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fiboa Datasets

This repository provides you with all information about existing fiboa datasets.

List of datasets

Title License Provider
Austria CC-BY-4.0 Agrarmarkt Austria
BRP Crop Field Boundaries for The Netherlands (CAP-based) CC0-1.0
Denmark Crop Fields (Marker) CC-0
Field boundaries for Belgium Wallonia No conditions apply to access and use
Field boundaries for California Statewide Crop Mapping CC-0
Field boundaries for Cambodia and Vietnam (AI4SmallFarms) CC-BY-4.0
Field boundaries for Catalonia, Spain Open Information Use License - Catalonia Catalonia Department of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Food
Field boundaries for Croatia Publicly available data
Field boundaries for Czech CC-0
Field boundaries for Estonia CC-BY-SA-3.0 Põllumajanduse Registrite ja Informatsiooni Amet
Field boundaries for Flanders, Belgium Licentie modellicentie-gratis-hergebruik/v1.0
Field boundaries for France from Eurocrops (2018) CC-BY-SA-4.0 Institut National de l'Information Géographique et Forestière
Field boundaries for Latvia 2024 CC-BY-4.0 Lauku atbalsta dienests
Field boundaries for Luxembourg CC-BY-4.0 Luxembourg ministry of Agriculture
Field boundaries for Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Germany No restrictions apply
Field boundaries for Portugal No conditions apply
Field boundaries for Saarland, Germany cc-by-4.0 © GDI-SL 2024
Field boundaries for Saxony, Germany dl-de/by-2-0 Sächsisches Landesamt für Umwelt, Landwirtschaft und Geologie
Field boundaries for Slovakia Publicly available data
Field boundaries for Slovenia Publicly available data
Field boundaries for Slovenia from EuroCrops (2021) CC-BY-SA-4.0 Ministrstvo za kmetijstvo, gozdarstvo in prehrano
Field boundaries for Spain Andalucia CC-SA-BY-ND ©Junta de Andalucía
Field boundaries for Spain Aragon CC-BY-4.0 (c) Gobierno de Aragon
Field boundaries for Spain Balearic Islands CC-BY-4.0 Govern de les Illes Balears
Field boundaries for Spain Basque Country CC-BY-4.0 Basque Government / Gobierno Vasco
Field boundaries for Spain Canary Islands CC-BY-4.0 Gobierno de Canarias
Field boundaries for Spain Cantabria CC-BY-NC-4.0 ©Government of Cantabria. Free information available at
Field boundaries for Spain Castilla y León Non Commercial Commercial exploitation is prohibited
Field boundaries for Spain Castilla-La Mancha CC-BY-SA-4.0 Unidad de Cartografía. Secretaría General. Consejería de Agricultura , Ganadería y Desarrollo Rural.
Field boundaries for Spain Extremadura CC-BY-4.0 Junta de Extremadura
Field boundaries for Spain Galicia CC-BY-4.0 Información procedente do FOGGA
Field boundaries for Spain Madrid CC-0 Comunidad de Madrid
Field boundaries for Spain Navarra CC-BY-4.0 Comunidad Foral de Navarra
Field boundaries for Spain Valencia CC-BY-4.0 1403_2024PAC0050 CC BY 4.0 © Institut Cartogràfic Valencià, Generalitat
Field boundaries for Sweden CC0-1.0 Jordbruksverket
Field boundaries for Switzerland Open BY
Field boundaries for The Netherlands CC0-1.0
Field boundaries for ireland CC-BY-4.0 Ireland Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine
Field boundaries for the west of Bahia state, Brazil CC-BY-4.0
Fields of the World various
Finnish Crop Fields (Maatalousmaa) CC-BY-4.0 Finnish Food Authority
Germany, Berlin / Brandenburg dl-de/by-2-0 Land Brandenburg
Germany, Lower Saxony dl-de/by-2-0 Land Niedersachsen
Germany, North Rhine-Westphalia dl-de/by-2-0 Land Nordrhein-Westfalen / Open.NRW
Germany, Schleswig-Holstein dl-de/zero-2-0 Land Schleswig-Holstein
Germany, Thuringia dl-de/by-2-0 Thüringer Landesamt für Landwirtschaft und Ländlichen Raum
Japan Fude Parcels CC-BY-4.0 Fude Polygon Data (2021-2024). Japanese Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries. Processed by Pacific Spatial Solutions, Inc
Lacuna labels Participant license agreement for the NICFI contract
New Zealand National irrigated land CC-BY-4.0 New Zealand Ministry for the Environment
UKFields CC-BY-4.0 Bancroft S, Wilkins J
USDA Crop Sequence Boundaries Freely available at
  • Last updated: Mar 22 2025, 01:24
  • Count: 51

Add your dataset

If you want, follow the How To to create a new dataset using fiboa CLI.

Once your dataset is ready, you have two options to add your dataset:

  1. If it has a STAC Collection for it, edit this file, add your Collection as a child to the STAC catalog, and lastly create a PR.
  2. In all other cases, edit this file, add your dataset to the table (after the endfor %}), and lastly create a PR.

Once the PR is merged your data will be listed here shortly after (it's updated every night).


A list of available fiboa datasets.






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