An audio based country guessing game.
The deployed github page is not functional, see below
Inspired by WorLdle and Wordle
The user is presented with two flags and a field recording. They must choose which country they think is associated with the recording, or pass and hear another recording to a maximum of 5.
Sounds and country data are sourced from Rest Countries and Freesound.
We use a curated list of countries sourced by querying Freesound and only keeping countries that returned more than 5 results.
Clone the project to your machine using
git clone
Launch in VSCode and use the liveserver extension to launch the site.
We use an API key stored on a file called secret.js, contact us for this file OR apply to freesound for your own API key and create a file called secret.js (it MUST be called secret.js) in your directory. The file should look like this.
export const key = "YOUR_API_KEY";
Be sure to replace "YOUR_API_KEY" with your own key in quotes.
DO NOT push secret.js to the public repository, the .gitignore file should do this for you.
This game is a project for Founders and Coders. The project brief is to build an app that queries at least two APIs and uses the results to update the DOM. There should be a way for the user to search, filter, sort or otherwise affect what is displayed.
As a user, I want to:
- See an interesting mashup of different data
- Input information to change the displayed result
- View the app on all of my devices
- As an impatient user, I want to see some indication that data is loading
- As a confused user, I want to be told when something goes wrong
- Query at least two APIs using fetch
- Dynamic content generated with JS
- A clearly defined user journey, documented in your readme
- A responsive, mobile-first design
- Ensure your app is accessible to as many different users as possible
As a regular geography / puzzle game player, I want:
- The game to be fun! It should present a varied and interesting range of sounds with a fair level of challenge
- To be able to store my stats and keep track of my results between sessions
- To read instructions in-app that explain how to play the game
- A UI that is visually pleasing and easy to navigate
Initial version of the app created.
User can:
- Load new countries, audio and flags at the beginning of each round
- Choose an answer and receive feedback on whether they are correct
- Load a new round and play again
- Store user statistics in local storage
- Add pop-up windows to display instructions and user statistics
- Create gradual reveal of 5 sounds in stages and a points system based on how many audio clips are needed
- Add a loading screen while audio is being fetched from API
- Curate list of countries further to ensure only appropriate sounds are presented
- Allow user to make changes to the data retrieved e.g. by editing the list of countries
- Further styling and UI adjustments