This repo houses the PHP SDK for integrating with the Extism runtime. Install this library into your host PHP applications to run Extism plugins.
For this library, you first need to install the Extism Runtime. You can download the shared object directly from a release or use the Extism CLI to install it:
sudo extism lib install latest
#=> Fetching
#=> Copying libextism.dylib to /usr/local/lib/libextism.dylib
#=> Copying extism.h to /usr/local/include/extism.h
Note: This library has breaking changes and targets 1.0 of the runtime. For the time being, install the runtime from our nightly development builds on git:
sudo extism lib install --version git
Install via Packagist:
composer require extism/extism
Note: For the time being you may need to add a minimum-stability of "dev" to your composer.json
"minimum-stability": "dev",
This guide should walk you through some of the concepts in Extism and this PHP library.
First you should add a using statement for Extism:
use Extism\Plugin;
use Extism\Manifest;
use Extism\Manifest\UrlWasmSource;
The primary concept in Extism is the plug-in. You can think of a plug-in as a code module stored in a .wasm
Since you may not have an Extism plug-in on hand to test, let's load a demo plug-in from the web:
$wasm = new UrlWasmSource("");
$manifest = new Manifest($wasm);
$plugin = new Plugin($manifest, true);
Note: The schema for this manifest can be found here:
This plug-in was written in Rust and it does one thing, it counts vowels in a string. As such, it exposes one "export" function: count_vowels
. We can call exports using
$output = $plugin->call("count_vowels", "Hello, World!");
// => {"count": 3, "total": 3, "vowels": "aeiouAEIOU"}
All exports have a simple interface of optional bytes in, and optional bytes out. This plug-in happens to take a string and return a JSON encoded string with a report of results.
Plug-ins may be stateful or stateless. Plug-ins can maintain state b/w calls by the use of variables. Our count vowels plug-in remembers the total number of vowels it's ever counted in the "total" key in the result. You can see this by making subsequent calls to the export:
$output = $plugin->call("count_vowels", "Hello, World!");
// => {"count": 3, "total": 6, "vowels": "aeiouAEIOU"}
$output = $plugin->call("count_vowels", "Hello, World!");
// => {"count": 3, "total": 9, "vowels": "aeiouAEIOU"}
These variables will persist until this plug-in is freed or you initialize a new one.
Plug-ins may optionally take a configuration object. This is a static way to configure the plug-in. Our count-vowels plugin takes an optional configuration to change out which characters are considered vowels. Example:
$wasm = new UrlWasmSource("");
$manifest = new Manifest($wasm);
$plugin = new Plugin($manifest, true);
$output = $plugin->call("count_vowels", "Yellow, World!");
// => {"count": 3, "total": 3, "vowels": "aeiouAEIOU"}
$manifest = new Manifest($wasm);
$manifest->config->vowels = "aeiouyAEIOUY";
$plugin = new Plugin($manifest, true);
$output = $plugin->call("count_vowels", "Yellow, World!");
// => {"count": 4, "total": 4, "vowels": "aeiouAEIOUY"}
Host Functions support is experimental. Due to usage of callbacks with FFI, It may leak memory.
Let's extend our count-vowels example a little bit: Instead of storing the total
in an ephemeral plug-in var, let's store it in a persistent key-value store!
Wasm can't use our KV store on it's own. This is where Host Functions
come in.
Host functions allow us to grant new capabilities to our plug-ins from our application. They are simply some PHP functions you write which can be passed down and invoked from any language inside the plug-in.
Let's load the manifest like usual but load up this count_vowels_kvstore
$manifest = new Manifest(new UrlWasmSource(""));
Note: The source code for this is here and is written in rust, but it could be written in any of our PDK languages.
Unlike our previous plug-in, this plug-in expects you to provide host functions that satisfy our import interface for a KV store.
We want to expose two functions to our plugin, void kv_write(key string, value byte[])
which writes a bytes value to a key and byte[] kv_read(key string)
which reads the bytes at the given key
// pretend this is Redis or something :)
$kvstore = [];
$kvRead = new HostFunction("kv_read", [ExtismValType::I64], [ExtismValType::I64], function (string $key) use (&$kvstore) {
$value = $kvstore[$key] ?? "\0\0\0\0";
echo "Read " . bytesToInt($value) . " from key=$key" . PHP_EOL;
return $value;
$kvWrite = new HostFunction("kv_write", [ExtismValType::I64, ExtismValType::I64], [], function (string $key, string $value) use (&$kvstore) {
echo "Writing value=" . bytesToInt($value) . " from key=$key" . PHP_EOL;
$kvstore[$key] = $value;
function bytesToInt(string $bytes): int {
$result = unpack("L", $bytes);
return $result[1];
Note: The plugin provides memory pointers, which the SDK automatically converts into a
. Similarly, when a host function returns astring
, the SDK allocates it in the plugin memory and provides a pointer back to the plugin. For manual memory management, requestCurrentPlugin
as the first parameter of the host function. For example:$kvRead = new HostFunction("kv_read", [ExtismValType::I64], [ExtismValType::I64], function (CurrentPlugin $p, int $keyPtr) use ($kvstore) { $key = $p->read_block($keyPtr); $value = $kvstore[$key] ?? "\0\0\0\0"; return $p->write_block($value); });
We need to pass these imports to the plug-in to create them. All imports of a plug-in must be satisfied for it to be initialized:
$plugin = new Plugin($manifest, true, [$kvRead, $kvWrite]);
$output = $plugin->call("count_vowels", "Hello World!");
echo($output . PHP_EOL);
// => Read 0 from key=count-vowels"
// => Writing value=3 from key=count-vowels"
// => {"count": 3, "total": 3, "vowels": "aeiouAEIOU"}
$output = $plugin->call("count_vowels", "Hello World!");
echo($output . PHP_EOL);
// => Read 3 from key=count-vowels"
// => Writing value=6 from key=count-vowels"
// => {"count": 3, "total": 6, "vowels": "aeiouAEIOU"}
For host function callbacks, these are the valid parameter types:
: Only if its the first parameter. Allows you to manually manage memory. Optional.string
: If the parameter represents a memory offset (ani64
), then the SDK can automatically load the buffer into astring
: Fori32
: Forf32
Valid return types:
: Fori32
: Forf32
: the content of the string will be allocated in the wasm plugin memory and the offset (i64
) will be returned.
Plugins can be initialized with a fuel limit to constrain their execution. When a plugin runs out of fuel, it will throw an exception. This is useful for preventing infinite loops or limiting resource usage.
// Create plugin with fuel limit of 1000 instructions
$plugin = new Plugin($manifest, true, [], new PluginOptions(true, 1000));
try {
$output = $plugin->call("run_test", "");
} catch (\Exception $e) {
// Plugin ran out of fuel
// The exception message will contain "fuel"
Call Host Context provides a way to pass per-call context data when invoking a plugin function. This is useful when you need to provide data specific to a particular function call rather than data that persists across all calls.
Here's an example of using call host context to implement a multi-user key-value store where each user has their own isolated storage:
$multiUserKvStore = [[]];
$kvRead = new HostFunction("kv_read", [ExtismValType::I64], [ExtismValType::I64], function (CurrentPlugin $p, string $key) use (&$multiUserKvStore) {
$userId = $p->getCallHostContext(); // get a copy of the host context data
$kvStore = $multiUserKvStore[$userId] ?? [];
return $kvStore[$key] ?? "\0\0\0\0";
$kvWrite = new HostFunction("kv_write", [ExtismValType::I64, ExtismValType::I64], [], function (CurrentPlugin $p, string $key, string $value) use (&$multiUserKvStore) {
$userId = $p->getCallHostContext(); // get a copy of the host context data
$kvStore = $multiUserKvStore[$userId] ?? [];
$kvStore[$key] = $value;
$multiUserKvStore[$userId] = $kvStore;
$plugin = self::loadPlugin("count_vowels_kvstore.wasm", [$kvRead, $kvWrite]);
$userId = 1;
$response = $plugin->callWithContext("count_vowels", "Hello World!", $userId);
$this->assertEquals('{"count":3,"total":3,"vowels":"aeiouAEIOU"}', $response);
$response = $plugin->callWithContext("count_vowels", "Hello World!", $userId);
$this->assertEquals('{"count":3,"total":6,"vowels":"aeiouAEIOU"}', $response);
Note: Unlike some other language SDKS, in the Extism PHP SDK the host context is copied when accessed via getCallHostContext()
. This means that modifications to the context object within host functions won't affect the original context object passed to callWithContext()