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Extism C++ PDK

Build Extism Plug-ins in C++.


The Extism C++ PDK is a single header library. Copy extism-pdk.hpp into your project or add this repo as a Git submodule:

git submodule add extism-cpp-pdk

The wasi-sdk is required to build, extract or install it and point the WASI_SDK_PATH environment variable at it.

Getting Started



As the C++ pdk is implemented as single header library, in ONE source file:

#include "extism-pdk.hpp"

In other source files, just #include "extism-pdk.hpp"


$(WASI_SDK_PATH)/bin/clang++ -std=c++23 -fno-exceptions -O2 -g -o count-vowels.wasm count-vowels.cpp -mexec-model=reactor

  • -fno-exceptions is needed as the Wasm doesn't have support for exceptions yet.

  • wasi-sdk-24.0 or later should be used as -std=c++23 is required by the pdk.

  • -mexec-model=reactor as we're building a reactor module - exporting functions, not building a command program.

Generating Bindings

It's often very useful to define a schema to describe the function signatures and types you want to use between Extism SDK and PDK languages.

XTP Bindgen is an open source framework to generate PDK bindings for Extism plug-ins. It's used by the XTP Platform, but can be used outside of the platform to define any Extism compatible plug-in system.

1. Install the xtp CLI.

See installation instructions here.

2. Create a schema using our OpenAPI-inspired IDL:

version: v1-draft
          type: string
          contentType: text/plain; charset=utf-8
          $ref: "#/components/schemas/VowelReport"
          contentType: application/json
# components.schemas defined in example-schema.yaml...

See an example in example-schema.yaml, or a full "kitchen sink" example on the docs page.

3. Generate bindings to use from your plugins:

xtp plugin init --schema-file ./example-schema.yaml
    1. TypeScript                      
    2. Go                              
    3. Rust                            
    4. Python                          
    5. C#                              
    6. Zig                             
  > 7. C++                             
    8. GitHub Template                 
    9. Local Template

This will create an entire boilerplate plugin project for you to get started with:

// returns VowelReport (The result of counting vowels on the Vowels input.)
std::expected<pdk::VowelReport, pdk::Error>
impl::CountVowels(std::string &&input) {
  return std::unexpected(pdk::Error::not_implemented);

Implement the empty function(s), and run xtp plugin build to compile your plugin.

For more information about XTP Bindgen, see the dylibso/xtp-bindgen repository and the official XTP Schema documentation.

Reach Out!

Have a question or just want to drop in and say hi? Hop on the Discord!