A graphical gopher browser in racket/gui
Icon courtesy of tiwesdaeg.
My aim is to create a decent gopher client suitable for daily use without resorting to web technologies. No HTML nor CSS under the hood.
This project is still a work in progress, expect occasional breakage. Patches and feedback welcome.
- Clickable links in colourful menus
- View images
- Download binary files
- Save currently viewed page
- Back/forward page
- Delegate WWW links to web browser
- TLS option
- Config file
- Adjustable TLS support
- Find in page
- Configurable keyboard shortcuts
- Mouseover/right-click links
- Bookmarks
- Redirection
- Options menu
- Duplicate (
) types - Zooming
- Caching
- Tabbed navigation
Install Racket, then run:
% racket src/main.rkt [--tls] [address]
(Running % raco make src/main.rkt
beforehand can make it launch faster.)
If you don’t want to install Racket, you can fetch a binary release (might be outdated) and run it:
% bin/gophwr [--tls] [address]
To configure it, copy the example config file to your Racket preferences directory. See more on the wiki.
You can install it directly to your local Racket setup:
% raco pkg install --user git://github.com/erkin/gophwr.git
Alternatively, if you’re using the Nix package manager, simply run
% nix-build
in the repo and it will build a package for you.
(Courtesy of racket2nix.)