use instead
CAS based single sign on for Discourse in plugin form.
If you have install Discourse on Digital Ocean using a Docker image as described using the Basic Docker Installation Guide then try this:
open "/var/docker/containers/app.yml" using vim or nano.
add 'git clone' in the after_code hook as follows:
hooks: after_code:
- exec: cd: $home/plugins cmd:
- mkdir -p plugins
- git clone
Change directory to /var/docker and run ./launcher rebuild app
If you edited a different yaml file such as '/var/docker/containers/image.yml' then the command would be ./launcher rebuild image.
The app will be down for a minute or so then come back on after the rebuild.
(thanks dbinoj for docker instructions)
- Run
rake plugin:install repo=
in your discourse directory - In development mode, run
rake assets:clean
- In production, recompile your assets:
rake assets:precompile
Until the omniauth-cas gem that supports dynamic setup is released (it should be soon) the plugin uses a forked version that I maintain.
The initial restart maybe a little slower than usual as the plugin also installs any plugins that it needs.
In this case that is addressable
and my forked eriko-omniauth-cas
. This slow down should be a one
time event unless the plugin is updated.
You will need to got to http://YOUR.DISCOURSE.SERVER/admin/site_settings/category/cas_sso and configure some settings.
At minimum you will need to set the plugin_cas_sso_url
. If your cas server is configured in a manner out of the norm
you may need to use the other settings. To do so wipe out plugin_cas_sso_url
setting as it will override the other settings like
cas_sso_host: default: 'YOUR.CAS.SERVER'
cas_sso_port: default: '443'
cas_sso_path: default: ''
cas_sso_ssl: default: true
cas_sso_login_url: default: '/login'
cas_sso_logout_url: default: '/logout'
cas_sso_service_validate_url: default: '/service_validate_url'
cas_sso_uid_field: default: 'user'
These are set to reasonable defaults but if you need to use them to deal if an oddly configured CAS then they are just a starting point.
Full uri for your CAS server. Some servers are use a trailing /cas and some do not.
- plugin_cas_sso_url = 'https://YOUR.CAS.SERVER/cas'
empty out the cas_sso_url setting and adjust the rest to what you need. The defaults are the standard settings.
These allow you to use the extra attributes that CAS can return if your CAS administrator has configured it that way. In my case we are using Active Directory as that CAS backend and the defaults are based on that.
Attribute name in extra attributes for email address
cas_sso_email: default: 'UserPrincipalName'
If the above is not set the plugin will set the email address to [email protected] if plugin_cas_sso_email_domain is set. Otherwise it will be set to username@
cas_sso_email_domain: default: 'YOUR.EMAIL.DOMAIN'
The attribute name in extra attributes for display name. If the attribute can not be found the username will be used instead.
cas_sso_name: default: 'Name'
Auto create newly logged in CAS users (reject new users that do not have accounts already)
cas_sso_user_auto_create: default: true
Auto approve newly created users.
cas_sso_user_approved: default: true
Limit the auto creation of accounts by group membership in the optional Groups extension of CAS. This will need to be turned on by you CAS administrator. The default groups are based on LDAP paths but this may be different for your organization. Once again talk to your CAS administrator. If the user is in a group that is in the allow list they are eligible to have an account created. If on the other hand they they have a group that is in the deny list they will not and account created. This data is processed by turning the two lists into Sets and then looking for an intersection. The groups coming from CAS are split(', ') and this may be particular to Jasig CAS in combination with AD. The deny overrides the allow.
If it does not work for your instance let me know, preferably with a sample of the groups data. Search for #DEBUGGING in pluging.rb to enable dumping of the groups data. You will need restart the app after it is uncommented. You should disable this when you are done.
Required: disable allow new registration
in the settings.
cas_sso_groups_allow_filter: default: false
cas_sso_groups_allow: client: true type: list default: 'CN=staff,OU=Groups,DC=example,DC=edu|CN=students,OU=Groups,DC=example,DC=edu|CN=faculty,OU=Groups,DC=example,DC=edu'
cas_sso_groups_deny_filter: default: false
cas_sso_groups_deny: client: true type: list default: 'CN=staff,OU=Groups,DC=example,DC=edu|CN=students,OU=Groups,DC=example,DC=edu|CN=faculty,OU=Groups,DC=example,DC=edu'
If you like me only have one auth method activated and want to change the text in the little green button you can. Add at stylesheet customization like the one below.
.btn-social.cas:before { content: "YOUR LOGIN WORD HERE"; font-family: "Helvetica Neue",Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif; }
.btn-social:before { margin-right: 5px; }
Tag me eriko
on in the support