Building thousands of models with timeseries data to monitor systems.
Gordo fulfills the role of inhaling config files and supplying components to the pipeline of:
- Fetching data
- Training model
- Serving model
- gordo-controller - Kubernetes controller for the Gordo CRDs.
- gordo-core - Gordo core library.
- gordo-client - Gordo server's client. It can make predictions from deployed models.
Documentation is available on Read the Docs
gordo-helm - you can use gordo helm chart from this repository to deploy gordo infrastructure to your Kubernetes cluster.
pip install --upgrade gordo
With additional extras:
pip install gordo[postgres,mlflow]
Bleeding edge:
pip install git+
This section will explain how to start development of Gordo.
Create and activate a virtual environment first. As a default option, it can be venv module.
Install pip-tools
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install --upgrade pip-tools
Install requirements
pip install -r requirements/full_requirements.txt
pip install -r requirements/test_requirements.txt
Install package:
python3 install
Note: you have to install pip-tools
version higher then 6
for requirements to have same multi-line output format.
To update some package in full_requirements.txt
- Change its version in
file; - Compile and upgrade requirements:
pip-compile --upgrade --output-file=full_requirements.txt
See our example notebooks for how to develop with gordo
List of commands to run tests can be found here. Running of tests takes some time, so it's faster to run tests in parallel:
pytest -n auto -m 'not dockertest' --ignore benchmarks
Run docker-related tests:
pytest -m 'dockertest'
NOTE: To run tests it's required for your system to has (note: commands might differ from your OS):
- Running docker daemon.
- Available 5432 port for
NOTE: this example is for Pycharm IDE to use
in the code of the tests.
On the configuration setup for test running add toAdditional arguments:
section following string:--ignore benchmarks --cov-report= --no-cov
This command will run the local documentation server:
> cd docs/
> make watch
We welcome contributions to this project! To get started, please follow these steps:
- Fork this repository to your own GitHub account and then clone it to your local device.
git clone
- Create a new branch for your feature or bug fix.
git checkout -b your-feature-or-bugfix-branch
- Make your changes and commit them with a descriptive message.
git commit -m "Add a new feature" -a
- Push your changes to your forked repository.
git push origin your-feature-or-bugfix-branch
- Open a pull request in this repository and describe the changes you made.
We'll review your changes and work with you to get them merged into the main branch of the project.