List of all ISO 639-1 language names, native names and two character codes as well as functions for convenient access.
The lists of all names and codes (Codes
, Names
, NativeNames
, Languages
) are build in the init function for quick read access.
For full documentation please read the Godocs.
go get
fmt.Println(iso6391.Codes) // print all codes
fmt.Println(iso6391.Names) // print all names
fmt.Println(iso6391.NativeNames) // print all native names
fmt.Println(iso6391.Languages) // print all language objects {Code, Name, NativeName}
fmt.Println(iso6391.FromCode("en")) // prints {Code: "en", Name: "English", NativeName: "English"}
fmt.Println(iso6391.Name("en")) // prints "English"
fmt.Println(iso6391.NativeName("zh")) // prints "中文"
fmt.Println(iso6391.CodeFromName("English")) // prints "en"
fmt.Println(iso6391.ValidCode("en")) // prints true
// ... see Godoc for more functions