Some cache policies implementation in Go
go get
All cache policies implementation should satisfy interface:
// Cache is the common interface for all cache data structure implementations
type Cache[K comparable, V any] interface {
Get(key K) (V, error)
Put(key K, val V)
package main
import ""
func main() {
// init lru cache with capacity 2
lru := kesh.NewLRUCache[int, string](2)
lru.Put(42, "answer")
lru.Put(69, "mega value")
r1, err := lru.Get(42)
BenchmarkLRUCache_Get_ifNotExist-12 9405915 125.1 ns/op
BenchmarkLRUCache_Get_ifExist-12 63441625 18.70 ns/op
BenchmarkLRUCache_Put_inCapacity-12 37034581 30.94 ns/op
BenchmarkLRUCache_Put_outOfCapacity-12 8980623 131.9 ns/op