go get github.com/ecdiy/gpa
type SqlAction struct {
SysRoleDel func(roleId int64, roleId2 int64) (int64, error) `delete from SysRole where id=? and creator!=0 and 0=(SELECT count(*) from SysUserRole where roleId=?)`
AllAppId func() ([]int, error) `select id from App `
IntArray2 func(appId int) ([]int, error) `select Id,AppEnable from App where Id=?`
FindRole2 func() (SysRole, error) `select id, createAt from SysRole where id=3`
type Gpa interface {
Save(model interface{}) (int64, error)
Insert(s string, param ... interface{}) (int64, error)
Exec(s string, param ... interface{}) (int64, error)
type SysRole struct {
Id int64 `@Id,AutoIncrement`
RoleName string
Creator int64
Remark string
CreateAt time.Time
type SqlAction struct {
SysRoleDel func(roleId int64) (int64, error) `delete from SysRole where id=? `
FindRole2 func() (SysRole, error) `select id, createAt from SysRole where id=3`
func Test_Gpa(t *testing.T) {
defer func() {
sqlAction := &SqlAction{}
orm := GetGpa("mysql", "root:root@tcp(",
sr := &SysRole{RoleName: "TestXX", Creator: 1, CreateAt: time.Now(), Remark: "test"}
row, _ := sqlAction.SysRoleDel(sr.Id)
if row != 1 {
t.Error("delete ite fail.")