INTAROS - Integrated Arctic Observing System
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PAMGuide-R-Tutorial PublicTools for combined analysis of passive acoustic data & sea ice parameters
Jupyter Notebook 3
enb-sea-ice-concentration PublicTool for generating monthly mean sea ice concentration for the Svalbard region.
Jupyter Notebook 1
pydap-use-cases PublicData Delivery Workshop, INTAROS GA, Bremen 2019
Jupyter Notebook
r-rgeostats PublicRGeostats is the Geostatistical Package (under R platform) developed by the Geostatistical Team of the Geosciences Research Center of MINES ParisTech
Shell 2
- r-rgeostats Public
RGeostats is the Geostatistical Package (under R platform) developed by the Geostatistical Team of the Geosciences Research Center of MINES ParisTech
- iaos-showcase-app-Barents-Sea-CTD Public
iAOS support to Barents Sea Multi-depth Temperature & Salinity map productions
- opendap-xarray-use-cases Public
Tools for accessing, filtering, analysing and visualising CTD datasets queried from OPeNDAP servers.
- iaos-showcase-app-Baffin-Bay-ocean-floor-temperatures Public
iAOS support to map productions for Baffin Bay ocean floor temperatures
- iaos-showcase-app-Svalbard-Snow-Depth Public
iAOS support to map productions for Svalbard Avalanche Forecast Modelling
- iaos-showcase-app-Pan-Arctic-Hydro Public
iAOS support to Pan-Arctic Hydrological Modelling activities
- enb-sea-ice-concentration Public
Tool for generating monthly mean sea ice concentration for the Svalbard region.