-- -- -- -- -==++------- -------++==- OS: Linux/Guix ==+++=----= -----++++== Shell: zsh ===== ----- WM: sway ==== ---- Theme: Colloid-Purple-Dark-Catppuccin [GTK2/3] ===+ ---- Icons: Colloid-nord-dark [GTK2/3] +++++ ----- Terminal: emacs (eshell) ++++ ---- Files: emacs (dired) *++++ ---- Launcher: rofi (wayland) ++++=---- bar: waybar ++===-- *=====-
- totally keyboard driven workflow
- great multi-monitor support
- workspaces span displays
- uses emacs as alternative to most tools
- file manager (dired)
- rss reader (elfeed)
- email client (mu4e)
- music (mingus)
- terminal emulator (eshell + vterm + alacritty)
- text editor (emacs +lsp for IDE capabilities)
- simple browser (eww)
- pdf viewer (pdf-tools)
- word processor (org-mode + latex)
- presentations (org-mode + org-present + beamer)
- simple spreadsheets (org-mode)
- stow the dotfiles
git clone https://github.com/ebeem/dotfiles.git
cd dotfiles
cd stow ./
- reconfigure system and home
NOTE: system swap-devices
and file-systems
have to be modified
sudo guix system reconfigure ~/.config/guix/system.scm
guix home reconfigure ~/.config/guix/home.scm