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🏠 E-Room addresses the issue of information inequality that arises when young professionals search for housing.

Position Name Github
💻 Server Developer Hyuktae Kwon LarryKwon
🎨 UI/UX Designer Heebum Jeon Heebum Jeon
🎨 Graphic Designer Bokwang Jeong jeongbokoang
💻 Server Developer Seonghoon Jeong SeongHoon Jeong
💻 Front-End Developer Hyojin Jung HYOJIN JUNG

Project Architecture

E-room PA

  • A CI/CD pipeline has been established using GitHub Actions & Elastic Beanstalk.
  • Development and production servers are separated, with the development server utilizing rolling deployment and the production server using zero-downtime deployment.
  • The development server is deployed when a push is made to the develop branch, while the production server is deployed when a pull request is merged into the master branch.
  • FE Repository: e-room-web


E-room ERD

Tech Stack

  • Java
  • Spring Boot
  • MySQL
  • Gradle
  • JPA, QueryDSL
  • AWS - Elastic Beanstalk, RDS, S3, Route53, Certificate Manager, …
  • GitHub Actions

Branching Strategy

  • master ← The branch deployed to the production server
  • release ← The branch containing features for the next release
  • develop ← The branch deployed to the development server
  • feature ← Created in the format issue/issue-number for assigned tasks related to the issue