Live background wallpaper in opengl for X (i3). It's made for shaders from
Started as a fork of liveW, but I've removed a lot of features I don't need, and rewrote some parts. Sound visualisation inspired by cava.
- Pulseaudio
$ git clone
$ cd xglbg
$ make
By default clang
is used to compile the sources, but you can change that by setting the COMPILER
environment variable. For example (using gcc
$ COMPILER=gcc make
The following packages are required to compile the project on Ubuntu:
$ sudo apt install mesa-common-dev libglu1-mesa-dev freeglut3-dev libxrender-dev libpulse-dev libfftw3-dev
The following command copies the included images and shaders into the configuration folder ($XDG_CONFIG_HOME/xglbg
make config
$ ./xglbg -p _shader_name_ -i _image_theme_
shader_name is the name of the shaders folder inside /shaders/
in the configuration directory.
image_theme is the name of the image theme folder inside /images/
in the configuration directory. The images (PNG or JPG) in that directory will be loaded in alphabetical order based on the time of the day (dayprogress
) and passed to the shader as image
and nextimage
. For example if you have 24 images (image00.png
, image01.png
... image23.png
) then at 10:20 image10.png
will be loaded as image
and image11.png
will be nextimage
With -s _source_
you can specify a Pulseaudio device to use, which you can obtain with:
$ pacmd list-sources | grep "name:"
name: <alsa_output.pci-0000_22_00.3.analog-stereo.monitor>
name: <alsa_input.pci-0000_22_00.3.analog-stereo>
You are intrested in one with .monitor on the end.
The configuration directory is $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/xglbg
which is usually $HOME/.config/xglbg
Example: ./xglbg -s alsa_output.pci-0000_22_00.3.analog-stereo.monitor -p equalizer -i island
$ ./xglbg -h
Usage: xglbg <options>
-h Print help
-d Turn debug on
-k Plasma window setup
-w Window mode
-g Window geometry WIDTHxHEIGHT
-o Position of window relative to top left corner TOPxLEFT (default 0x0)
-t Transparency (default 1.0)
-p shader name in shaders folder
-i image theme in images folder
-S image change speed (default 1.0)
-f FPS (default 30)
-D Dynamic FPS - use 1 fps if there is no sound
-m mono mode
-s Pulseaudio device source
Specify using the name from "pacmd list-sources | grep "name:""
In most multi monitor configurations all monitors are part of one X11 screen so maybe xglbg
will be strached through all monitors.
To set xglbg
to draw on one monitor use arguments -g (set width and height of window) and -o (distance of top-left corner of window and top-left corner of screen).
If you have two monitors vertically placed with resolution 1920x1200.
First monitor: ./xglbg -g 1920x1200
Second monitor: ./xglbg -g 1920x1200 -o 1920x0
- Create directory inside shaders/ and copy shader code in file frag.glsl inside created folder.
- Add to begining of the shader:
#version 430
uniform vec2 resolution;
uniform float time;
uniform float dayprogress; // progress of day - from 0.0 to 1.0
uniform float imageprogress; // progress of images - from 0.0 to 1.0
uniform float nrimages; // number of background images in rotation
uniform int nosound; // 0 if there's sound, 1 otherwise
uniform sampler1D samples;
uniform sampler1D fft;
uniform sampler2D image; // background image
uniform sampler2D nextimage; // next background image
out vec4 color;
- Rename possible colission between variables names from above inside code in something else.
- Replace:
- iResolution -> resolution
- fragCoord -> gl_FragCoord
- fragColor -> color
- iTime -> time
- void mainImage( in, out ) -> void main()