Prototype language designed for signal processing, synthesis and analysis.
Project is early experimental stage, design decisions must be consolidated.
;; Operators
+ - * / % -- ++ ;; arithmetical (float)
** %% // ;; power, unsigned mod, flooring div
& | ^ ~ >> << ;; binary (integer)
<<< >>> ;; rotate left, right
&& || ! ;; logical
> >= < <= == != ;; comparisons (boolean)
?: ;; condition, switch
x[i] x[] ;; member access, length
a..b a.. ..b .. ;; ranges
|> _ ;; pipe/loop/map, topic reference
./ ../ / ;; continue/skip, break/stop, return
>< <> ;; inside, outside
-< -/ -* ;; clamp, normalize, lerp
;; Numbers
16, 0x10, 0o755, 0b0; ;; int, hex, oct or binary
16.0, .1, 2e-3; ;; float
1k = 1000; 1pi = 3.1415926; ;; units
1s = 44100; 1m = 60s; ;; eg: sample indexes
10.1k, 2pi, 1m30s; ;; 10100, 6.283..., 66150
;; Variables
foo=1, bar=2.0; ;; declare vars
AbC, $0, Δx, x@1, A#; ;; names permit alnum, unicodes, _$#@
foo == Foo, bar == bAr; ;; case-insensitive
default=1, eval=fn, else=0; ;; no reserved words
true = 0b1, false = 0b0; ;; eg: alias bools
inf = 1/0, nan = 0/0; ;; eg: alias infinity, NaN
;; Ranges
0..10; ;; from 1 to 9 (10 exclusive)
0.., ..10, ..; ;; open ranges
10..1; ;; reverse range
1.08..108.0; ;; float range
(a-1)..(a+1); ;; computed range
0..3 * 2; ;; mapped range: 0*2, 1*2, 2*2
(a,b,c) = 0..3 * 2; ;; destructure: a=0, b=2, c=4
a >< 0..10, a <> 0..10; ;; inside(a, 0, 10), outside(a, 0, 10);
a -< 0..10, a -<= 0..10; ;; clamp(a, 0, 10), a = clamp(a, 0, 10)
a -< ..10, a -< 10..; ;; min(a, 10), max(a, 10)
a -* 0..10, a -/ 0..10; ;; lerp(a, 0, 10), normalize(a, 0, 10)
;; Groups
(a,b,c) = (1,2,3); ;; assign: a=1, b=2, c=3
(a,b) = (b,a); ;; swap
(a,b,c) = d; ;; duplicate: a=d, b=d, c=d
(a,,b) = (c,d,e); ;; skip: a=c, b=e
(a,b) + (c,d); ;; group binary: a+c, b+d
(a, b, c)++; ;; group unary: a++, b++, c++
(a,b)[1] = c[2,3]; ;; props: a[1]=c[2], b[1]=c[3]
(a,..,z) = (1,2,3,4); ;; pick: a=1, z=4
a = (b,c,d); ;; pick first: a=b; see loops
;; Arrays
m = [..10]; ;; array of 10 elements
m = [..10 |> 2]; ;; filled with 2
m = [1,2,3,4]; ;; array of 4 elements
m = [n[..]]; ;; copy n
m = [1, 2..4, 5]; ;; mixed definition
m = [1, [2, 3, [4, m]]]; ;; nested arrays (tree)
m = [0..4 |> _ ** 2]; ;; list comprehension
(a, z) = (m[0], m[-1]); ;; get by index
(b, .., z) = m[1, 2..]; ;; get multiple values
length = m[]; ;; get length
m[0] = 1; ;; set value
m[2..] = (1, 2..4, n[1..3]); ;; set multiple values from offset 2
m[1,2] = m[2,1]; ;; swap
m[0..] = m[-1..]; ;; reverse
m[0..] = m[1..,0]; ;; rotate
;; Strings
hi="Hello"; ;; creates static array
string="$<hi>, world!"; ;; interpolate: "hello world"
string[1, 3..5, -2]; ;; pick elements: 'e', 'lo', 'd'
string[0..5]; ;; substring: 'Hello'
string[-1..0]; ;; reversed: '!dlrow ,olleH'
string[]; ;; length: 13
;; Conditions
a ? b; ;; if a then b (else 0)
a ?: b; ;; if (a then 0) else b
sign = a < 0 ? -1 : +1; ;; ternary
val = ( ;; switch
a == 1 ? ./log(1); ;; if a == 1 return log(1)
a >< 2..4 ? ./log(2); ;; if a in 2..4 return log(2)
log(3) ;; otherwise
a ?/ b; ;; early return: if a then return b
;; Loops
(a, b, c) |> f(_); ;; for each item in a, b, c do f(item)
(i = 10..) |> ( ;; descend over range
i < 5 ? a ./; ;; if item < 5 skip (continue)
i < 0 ? a ../; ;; if item < 0 stop (break)
); ;;
x[..] |> f(_) |> g(_); ;; pipeline sequence
(i = 0..w) |> ( ;; nest iterations
(j = 0..h) |> f(i, j); ;; f(x,y)
); ;;
((a,b) = 0..10) |> a+b; ;; iterate pairs
(x,,y) = (a,b,c) |> _ * 2; ;; capture result x = a*2, y = c*2;
.. |> i < 10 ? i++ : ../; ;; while i < 10 i++
;; Functions
double(n) = n*2; ;; define a function
times(m = 1, n -< 1..) = ( ;; optional, clamped arg
n == 0 ? /n; ;; early return
m * n; ;; returns last statement
); ;;
times(3,2); ;; 6
times(4), times(,5); ;; 4, 5: optional, skipped arg
dup(x) = (x,x); ;; return multiple
(a,b) = dup(b); ;; destructure
a=1,b=1; x()=(a=2;b=2); x(); ;; a==1, b==2: first statement declares locals
fn() = ( x; log(x) ); ;; defer: calls log after returning x
f(a, cb) = cb(a[0]); ;; array, func args
a() = ( *i=0; *i++ ); ;; state var: i persists value
a(), a(); ;; 0,1
a.i = 0; ;; reset state
*a1 = a; ;; clone function
a(), a(); a1(), a1(); ;; 0,1; 0,1;
;; Export
x, y, z; ;; exports last statement
mono, zzfx, bytebeat, glitch, hxos, min, roland, porffor
- @stagas for initial drive & ideas