We didn't find a link parsing library that did exactly what we needed so we wrote one.
A micro library for parsing and formatting links
for use in our
(currently in the
Note: the code is deliberately "basic". not at all "fancy" that is intentional so that it's understandable by a complete beginner to
. π° Simplecode
is maintainable and extensible without having to waste time Googling to figure it out. That said, if you want to help refactoring for performance, please open an issue.
The link
library was created for us by us,
the people
building & using the @dwyl App
We don't expect this to be used by anyone else
because it's probably too specific to our use case.
But if you need to parse links (URLs
) in your project
can help you!
Checkout the
API Reference
Any feedback is very welcome. If you need a specific feature, please open an issue
Use this package in your Elixir
/ Phoenix
Add link
to your list of dependencies
in your mix.exs
def deps do
{:link, "~> 1.0.11"}
Complete Docs: hexdocs.pm/link
Here are a few examples we use in our MVP
# Compact a GitHub issue URL so it doesn't waste screen space:
> "dwyl/mvp#141"
# Strip the #issuecomment... from a GitHub issue URL:
> "dwyl/mvp#141"
# Find all RFC 3986 URLs in a String or block of text:
Link.find("My text with links http://goo.gl/3co4ae and https://git.io/top and www.dwyl.com etc.")
> ["http://goo.gl/3co4ae", "https://git.io/top", "www.dwyl.com"]
# Shorten the link using Linky (interface TBD)
Link.shorten(conn, "https://github.com/dwyl/mvp/issues/141")
> "dwy.is/mvp-141"
# Confirm if a Link (URL) is valid
> false
> true
# Find all instances of a URL in a block of text
#Β and replaces them with the "compact" version.
md = "# Hello World! https://github.com/dwyl/mvp/issues/141#issuecomment-1657954420 and https://mvp.fly.dev/"
"# Hello World! [dwyl/mvp#141](https://github.com/dwyl/mvp/issues/141#issuecomment-1657954420) and [mvp.fly.dev](https://mvp.fly.dev/)"
The easiest way to contribute
is to help us extend the
file with more valid and invalid URLs. π
If you need a specific function, please open an issue to discuss.
If you're curious about URL RegEx, read: mathiasbynens.be/demo/url-regex
According to
The longest TLD you can get in 2023 is cancerresearch
Someone thought it was a good idea
to have labname.cancerresearch
as their domain ...
a 14-letter TLD ... π
But there are other 13-letter TLDs such as INTERNATIONAL