I'm a frontend engineer, creator of keep-design, who sometimes blogs, often hacks on projects, and is always listening to music.
- 🔭 I’m currently working on WuHan.
- 🌱 I’m currently learning React & Next & Taro & ReactNative.
- 📫 How to reach me: [email protected]
- React、React-Router、Redux、Zustand、Valtio、Hooks。
- Vue、Vue 3、Vue-Router、Vuex、Pinia、Vite、Webpack。
- SSR Next、Nuxt。
- 更多跨端框架学习,包括但不限于 Taro、Uni-App、React-Native。
- 微前端解决方案 qiankun。
- 组件库、工具库开发,详见 keep-design、create-keep-design、lottie-vue3、danmaku-vue
- 服务器 + Nginx 配置,Nest、Koa2、Java、SpringBoot、MySql、Redis、MyBatis-Plus、Sequelize 等。
- APP、Web、Applet 等多端开发。
- 了解更多 lib、Static Site Generator 相关。