Obsessively curated dotfiles.
Managed by a robust, extensible Go CLI.
Warning: This install script destructively installs configuration and various tools onto your system. It does not backup existing configuration. Run at your own risk.
git clone https://github.com ~/.dots
cd ~/dots
go install ./...
dots install all
- Homebrew
- Go
- Installed via homebrew (
brew install go
) export GOPATH=$HOME/go
export PATH=$GOPATH/bin:$PATH
- Installed via homebrew (
Top-level commands:
❯ dots
The dots CLI manages your development environment dependencies
dots [flags]
dots [command]
Available Commands:
clean Cleans legacy configuration
docker Docker command aliases
doctor Runs system diagnostics
help Help about any command
install Installs configuration
spinner Runs simple CLI spinners
update Updates configuration
-h, --help help for dots
Use "dots [command] --help" for more information about a command.
Install commands:
❯ dots install --help
Installs configuration
dots install [flags]
dots install [command]
Available Commands:
all Runs all install scripts
bin Installs ~/bin/* commands
fonts Installs fonts
git Installs git extensions
hammerspoon Installs hammerspoon configuration
home Installs ~/.* config files
homebrew Installs Homebrew dependencies
languages Installs asdf & languages
npm Installs npm packages
osx Installs OSX configuration
vim Installs vim config
zsh Installs zsh config files
-h, --help help for install
Use "dots install [command] --help" for more information about a command.
This project is licensed under the MIT License