Deokhwan Kim - Version 1.1.0, 2017-06-03
Below are Lwt translations of the code examples in Real World OCaml - Chapter 18. Concurrent Programming with Async. The section titles follow those in the book for easy cross-reference. Here is the version information of the software components that I have used:
$ ocamlc -version
$ opam show --field=version lwt
$ opam show --field=version cohttp
$ utop -version
The universal toplevel for OCaml, version 1.19.3, compiled for OCaml version 4.04.1
The latest version of this document is available at
# #require "lwt.unix";;
# #require "lwt.ppx";;
# let file_contents filename =
Lwt_io.with_file ~mode:Lwt_io.input filename
(fun channel -> channel);;
val file_contents : string -> string Lwt.t = <fun>
# let contents = file_contents "test.txt";;
val contents : string Lwt.t = <abstr>
# Lwt.state contents;; (* if test.txt exists *)
- : string Lwt.state = Lwt.Return "This is only a test.\n"
# Lwt.state contents;; (* if test.txt does not exist *)
- : string Lwt.state =
Lwt.Fail (Unix.Unix_error (Unix.ENOENT, "open", "test.txt"))
# contents;;
- : string = "This is only a test.\n"
# Lwt.bind;;
- : 'a Lwt.t -> ('a -> 'b Lwt.t) -> 'b Lwt.t = <fun>
I will use let%lwt x = e1 in e2
in preference to Lwt.bind e1 (fun x -> e2)
and e1 >>= (fun x -> e2)
. The Lwt manual states that the former will produce better backtraces than the latter [1]:
Backtrace support
In debug mode, the
constructs will properly propagate backtraces.
val bind : 'a t -> ('a -> 'b t) -> 'b t
Note that
will not propagate backtraces correctly.
# let save filename ~contents =
Lwt_io.with_file ~mode:Lwt_io.output filename
(fun channel -> Lwt_io.write channel contents);;
val save : string -> contents:string -> unit Lwt.t = <fun>
# let uppercase_file filename =
let%lwt text = file_contents filename in
save filename ~contents:(String.uppercase_ascii text);;
val uppercase_file : string -> unit Lwt.t = <fun>
# uppercase_file "test.txt";;
- : unit = ()
# file_contents "test.txt";;
- : string = "THIS IS ONLY A TEST.\n"
# let count_lines filename =
let%lwt text = file_contents filename in
String.split_on_char '\n' text |> List.length;;
Error: This expression has type int but an expression was expected of type 'a Lwt.t
# Lwt.return;;
- : 'a -> 'a Lwt.t = <fun>
# let three = Lwt.return 3;;
val three : int Lwt.t = <abstr>
# three;;
- : int = 3
# let count_lines filename =
let%lwt text = file_contents filename in
String.split_on_char '\n' text |> List.length |> Lwt.return;;
val count_lines : string -> int Lwt.t = <fun>
- : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a Lwt.t -> 'b Lwt.t = <fun>
As with Lwt.bind
, I will use the combination of the let%lwt
construct and the Lwt.return
function rather than
# let waiter, wakener = Lwt.wait ();;
val waiter : '_a Lwt.t = <abstr>
val wakener : '_a Lwt.u = <abstr>
# Lwt.state waiter;;
- : '_a Lwt.state = Lwt.Sleep
# Lwt.wakeup wakener "Hello";;
- : unit = ()
# Lwt.state waiter;;
- : string Lwt.state = Lwt.Return "Hello"
# module type Delayer_intf = sig
type t
val create : float -> t
val schedule : t -> (unit -> 'a Lwt.t) -> 'a Lwt.t
module type Delayer_intf =
type t
val create : float -> t
val schedule : t -> (unit -> 'a Lwt.t) -> 'a Lwt.t
# Lwt.on_success;;
- : 'a Lwt.t -> ('a -> unit) -> unit = <fun>
# Lwt.on_failure;;
- : 'a Lwt.t -> (exn -> unit) -> unit = <fun>
# Lwt.on_termination;;
- : 'a Lwt.t -> (unit -> unit) -> unit = <fun>
# Lwt.on_any;;
- : 'a Lwt.t -> ('a -> unit) -> (exn -> unit) -> unit = <fun>
# module Delayer : Delayer_intf = struct
type t = {delay: float; jobs: (unit -> unit) Queue.t}
let create delay = {delay; jobs = Queue.create ()}
let schedule t thunk =
let waiter, wakener = Lwt.wait () in
(fun () ->
Lwt.on_any (thunk ()) (Lwt.wakeup wakener) (Lwt.wakeup_exn wakener));
Lwt.on_termination (Lwt_unix.sleep t.delay) (Queue.take;
module Delayer : Delayer_intf
let rec copy_blocks buffer r w =
match%lwt Lwt_io.read_into r buffer 0 (Bytes.length buffer) with
| 0 -> Lwt.return_unit
| bytes_read ->
let%lwt () = Lwt_io.write_from_exactly w buffer 0 bytes_read in
copy_blocks buffer r w
let%lwt () = e1 in e2
can be shortened to e1 >> e2
, but >>
will get deprecated in the near future.
let run () =
((let%lwt server =
Lwt_io.establish_server (Lwt_unix.ADDR_INET (Unix.inet_addr_any, 8765))
(fun (r, w) ->
let buffer = Bytes.create (16 * 1024) in
copy_blocks buffer r w)
Lwt.return server) : Lwt_io.server Lwt.t) |> ignore
let never_terminate = fst (Lwt.wait ())
let () =
Sys.set_signal Sys.sigpipe Sys.Signal_ignore;
(try Lwt_engine.set (new Lwt_engine.libev ())
with Lwt_sys.Not_available _ -> ());
run (); never_terminate
let run uppercase port =
let%lwt server =
Lwt_io.establish_server (Lwt_unix.ADDR_INET (Unix.inet_addr_any, port))
(fun (r, w) ->
Lwt_io.read_chars r
|> (if uppercase then Char.uppercase_ascii
else fun x -> x)
|> Lwt_io.write_chars w)
(server : Lwt_io.server) |> ignore;
let () =
let uppercase = ref false
and port = ref 8765 in
let options =
Arg.align [
Arg.Set uppercase,
" Convert to uppercase before echoing back");
Arg.Set_int port,
"num Port to listen on (default 8765)");
let usage = "Usage: " ^ Sys.executable_name ^ " [-uppercase] [-port num]" in
(fun arg -> raise (Arg.Bad (Printf.sprintf "invalid argument -- '%s'" arg)))
Sys.set_signal Sys.sigpipe Sys.Signal_ignore;
(try Lwt_engine.set (new Lwt_engine.libev ())
with Lwt_sys.Not_available _ -> ()); (run !uppercase !port)
The Lwt manual states that the Lwt_stream
module may get deprecated or redesigned, and suggests considering alternatives, such as Simon Cruanes's lwt-pipe. Below is an equivalent version of the code above that uses lwt-pipe.
$ opam pin add -k git lwt-pipe
$ opam install lwt-pipe
let run uppercase port =
let%lwt server =
Lwt_io.establish_server (Lwt_unix.ADDR_INET (Unix.inet_addr_any, port))
(fun (r, w) ->
let reader = r in
let writer =
Lwt_pipe.IO.write w
|> (if uppercase then ~f:String.uppercase_ascii
else fun x -> x)
Lwt_pipe.connect ~ownership:`OutOwnsIn reader writer;
Lwt_pipe.wait writer)
(server : Lwt_io.server) |> ignore;
$ opam install tls cohttp # Or opam install lwt_ssl cohttp
let query_uri =
let base_uri = Uri.of_string "" in
(fun query -> Uri.add_query_param base_uri ("q", [query]))
let get_definition_from_json json =
match Yojson.Safe.from_string json with
| `Assoc kv_list ->
let find key =
match List.assoc key kv_list with
| exception Not_found -> None
| `String "" -> None
| s -> Some (Yojson.Safe.to_string s)
begin match find "Abstract" with
| Some _ as x -> x
| None -> find "Definition"
| _ -> None
let get_definition word =
let%lwt _resp, body = Cohttp_lwt_unix.Client.get (query_uri word) in
let%lwt body' = Cohttp_lwt_body.to_string body in
Lwt.return (word, get_definition_from_json body')
# #require "cohttp.lwt";;
# Cohttp_lwt_unix.Client.get;;
- : ?ctx:Cohttp_lwt_unix.Client.ctx -> ?headers:Cohttp.Header.t -> Uri.t -> (Cohttp_lwt.Response.t * Cohttp_lwt_body.t) Lwt.t = <fun>
let print_result (word, definition) =
Lwt_io.printf "%s\n%s\n\n%s\n\n"
(String.init (String.length word) (fun _ -> '-'))
(match definition with
| None -> "No definition found"
| Some def ->
Format.pp_set_margin Format.str_formatter 70;
Format.pp_print_text Format.str_formatter def;
Format.flush_str_formatter ())
let search_and_print words =
let%lwt results = Lwt_list.map_p get_definition words in
Lwt_list.iter_s print_result results
# Lwt_list.map_p;;
- : ('a -> 'b Lwt.t) -> 'a list -> 'b list Lwt.t = <fun>
let search_and_print words =
(fun word ->
let%lwt result = get_definition word in
print_result result)
# Lwt_list.iter_p;;
- : ('a -> unit Lwt.t) -> 'a list -> unit Lwt.t = <fun>
let () =
let words = ref [] in
let usage = "Usage: " ^ Sys.executable_name ^ " [word ...]" in
Arg.parse [] (fun w -> words := w :: !words) usage;
words := List.rev !words;
(try Lwt_engine.set (new Lwt_engine.libev ())
with Lwt_sys.Not_available _ -> ()); (search_and_print !words)
# let maybe_raise =
let should_fail = ref false in
fun () ->
let will_fail = !should_fail in
should_fail := not will_fail;
let%lwt () = Lwt_unix.sleep 0.5 in
if will_fail then [%lwt raise Exit] else Lwt.return_unit;;
val maybe_raise : unit -> unit Lwt.t = <fun>
# maybe_raise ();;
- : unit = ()
# maybe_raise ();;
Exception: Pervasives.Exit.
Raised at file "src/core/", line 805, characters 22-23
Called from file "src/unix/", line 34, characters 8-18
Called from file "toplevel/", line 180, characters 17-56
Note that I wrote [%lwt raise Exit]
rather than Exit
. The Lwt manual states that the former will produce better backtraces than the latter [1]:
It allows to encode the old
raise_lwt <e>
as[%lwt raise <e>]
, ...
raise_lwt exn
which is the same as exn but with backtrace support.
# let handle_error () =
let%lwt () = maybe_raise () in
Lwt.return "success"
with _ -> Lwt.return "failure";;
val handle_error : unit -> string Lwt.t = <fun>
# handle_error ();;
- : string = "success"
# handle_error ();;
Exception: Pervasives.Exit.
Raised at file "src/core/", line 805, characters 22-23
Called from file "src/unix/", line 34, characters 8-18
Called from file "toplevel/", line 180, characters 17-56
# let handle_error () =
let%lwt () = maybe_raise () in
Lwt.return "success"
with _ -> Lwt.return "failure";;
val handle_error : unit -> string Lwt.t = <fun>
# handle_error ();;
- : string = "success"
# handle_error ();;
- : string = "failure"
Although the manual does not state it explicitly, try%lwt ... with ...
appears to be intended to provide a better backtrace than Lwt.catch
.[1] For instance, the handle_error
function is expanded to:
let handle_error () =
Lwt.backtrace_catch (fun exn -> try raise exn with | exn -> exn)
(fun () ->
Lwt.backtrace_bind (fun exn -> try raise exn with | exn -> exn)
(maybe_raise ())
(fun () -> Lwt.return "success"))
(function | _ -> Lwt.return "failure")
Lwt does not have a concept corresponding to a monitor.
let query_uri ~server query =
let base_uri =
Uri.of_string (String.concat "" ["https://"; server; "/?format=json"])
Uri.add_query_param base_uri ("q", [query])
let get_definition ~server word =
let%lwt _resp, body = Cohttp_lwt_unix.Client.get (query_uri ~server word) in
let%lwt body' = Cohttp_lwt_body.to_string body in
Lwt.return (word, Ok (get_definition_from_json body'))
with _ -> Lwt.return (word, Error "Unexpected failure")
let print_result (word, definition) =
Lwt_io.printf "%s\n%s\n\n%s\n\n"
(String.init (String.length word) (fun _ -> '-'))
(match definition with
| Error s -> "DuckDuckGo query failed: " ^ s
| Ok None -> "No definition found"
| Ok (Some def) ->
Format.pp_set_margin Format.str_formatter 70;
Format.pp_print_text Format.str_formatter def;
Format.flush_str_formatter ())
let search_and_print ~servers words =
let servers = Array.of_list servers in
let%lwt results =
(fun i word ->
let server = servers.(i mod Array.length servers) in
get_definition ~server word)
Lwt_list.iter_s print_result results
let () =
let servers = ref [""]
and words = ref [] in
let options =
Arg.align [
Arg.String (fun s -> servers := String.split_on_char ',' s),
"s1,...,sn Specify servers to connect to");
let usage = "Usage: " ^ Sys.executable_name ^ " [-servers s1,...,sn] [word ...]" in
Arg.parse options (fun w -> words := w :: !words) usage;
words := List.rev !words;
(try Lwt_engine.set (new Lwt_engine.libev ())
with Lwt_sys.Not_available _ -> ()); (search_and_print ~servers:!servers !words)
# let both x y =
let%lwt x' = x
and y' = y in
Lwt.return (x', y');;
val both : 'a Lwt.t -> 'b Lwt.t -> ('a * 'b) Lwt.t = <fun>
# let string_and_float =
(let%lwt () = Lwt_unix.sleep 0.5 in
Lwt.return "A")
(let%lwt () = Lwt_unix.sleep 0.25 in
Lwt.return 32.33);;
val string_and_float : (string * float) Lwt.t = <abstr>
# string_and_float;;
- : string * float = ("A", 32.33)
# Lwt.choose [
(let%lwt () = Lwt_unix.sleep 0.5 in
Lwt.return "half a second");
(let%lwt () = Lwt_unix.sleep 10. in
Lwt.return "ten seconds");
- : string = "half a second"
# Lwt.pick;;
- : 'a Lwt.t list -> 'a Lwt.t = <fun>
let get_definition ~server word =
let%lwt _resp, body = Cohttp_lwt_unix.Client.get (query_uri ~server word) in
let%lwt body' = Cohttp_lwt_body.to_string body in
Lwt.return (word, Ok (get_definition_from_json body'))
with exn -> Lwt.return (word, Error exn)
let get_definition_with_timeout ~server timeout word =
Lwt.pick [
(let%lwt () = Lwt_unix.sleep timeout in
Lwt.return (word, Error "Timed out"));
(let%lwt word, result = get_definition ~server word in
let result' =
match result with
| Ok _ as x -> x
| Error _ -> Error "Unexpected failure"
Lwt.return (word, result'));
let search_and_print ~servers timeout words =
let servers = Array.of_list servers in
let%lwt results =
(fun i word ->
let server = servers.(i mod Array.length servers) in
get_definition_with_timeout ~server timeout word)
Lwt_list.iter_s print_result results
let () =
let servers = ref [""]
and timeout = ref 5.0
and words = ref [] in
let options =
Arg.align [
Arg.String (fun s -> servers := String.split_on_char ',' s),
"s1,...,sn Specify servers to connect to");
Arg.Set_float timeout,
"secs Abandon queries that take longer than this time");
let usage = "Usage: " ^ Sys.executable_name ^ " [-servers s1,...,sn] [-timeout secs] [word ...]" in
Arg.parse options (fun w -> words := w :: !words) usage;
words := List.rev !words;
(try Lwt_engine.set (new Lwt_engine.libev ())
with Lwt_sys.Not_available _ -> ()); (search_and_print ~servers:!servers !timeout !words)
does not take the labeled ~interrupt
argument unlike Cohttp_async.Client.get
. However, the thread that Cohttp_lwt_unix.Client.get
returns is cancelable and can be naturally used with Lwt.pick
# let rec range ?(acc = []) start stop =
if start >= stop then List.rev acc
else range ~acc:(start :: acc) (start + 1) stop;;
val range : ?acc:int list -> int -> int -> int list = <fun>
# let def = Lwt_preemptive.detach (fun () -> range 1 10) ();;
val def : int list Lwt.t = <abstr>
# def;;
- : int list = [1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 9]
# let rec every ?(stop = never_terminate) span (f : unit -> unit Lwt.t) : unit Lwt.t =
if Lwt.is_sleeping stop then
let%lwt () = f () in
let%lwt () = Lwt.pick [Lwt_unix.sleep span; Lwt.protected stop] in
every ~stop span f
else Lwt.return_unit;;
val every : ?stop:unit Lwt.t -> float -> (unit -> unit Lwt.t) -> unit Lwt.t = <fun>
# let log_delays thunk =
let start = Unix.gettimeofday () in
let print_time () =
let diff = Unix.gettimeofday () -. start in
Lwt_io.printf "%f, " diff
let d = thunk () in
let%lwt () = every 0.1 ~stop:d print_time in
let%lwt () = d in
let%lwt () = print_time () in
Lwt_io.print "\n";;
val log_delays : (unit -> unit Lwt.t) -> unit Lwt.t = <fun>
# log_delays (fun () -> Lwt_unix.sleep 0.5);;
0.000006, 0.101822, 0.201969, 0.306260, 0.411472, 0.505199,
# let busy_loop () =
let x = ref None in
for i = 1 to 500_000_000 do x := Some i done;;
val busy_loop : unit -> unit = <fun>
# log_delays (fun () -> Lwt.return (busy_loop ()));;
- : unit = ()
# log_delays (fun () -> Lwt_preemptive.detach busy_loop ());;
0.000033, 0.158420, 0.264950, 0.370093, 0.475191, 0.585002, 0.685192, 0.786619,
0.894304, 0.997954, 1.103635, 1.213693, 1.316856, 1.426929, 1.583395, 1.686367,
1.786517, 1.894609, 1.998529, 2.103606, 2.208725, 2.363542, 2.571035, 2.680959,
2.945979, 3.056136, 3.161278, 3.430440, 3.531169, 3.742274, 3.847282, 3.951309,
4.114742, 4.215642, 4.315771, 4.421812, 4.530823, 4.741970, 4.848297, 5.008062,
5.114670, 5.430785, 5.535985, 5.644637, 5.802193, 6.015593, 6.226784, 6.330944,
6.546150, 6.703104, 6.806751, 6.912780, 6.992610,
- : unit = ()
# let noallc_busy_loop () =
for _i = 0 to 500_000_000 do () done;;
val noallc_busy_loop : unit -> unit = <fun>
# log_delays (fun () -> Lwt_preemptive.detach noallc_busy_loop ());;
0.000010, 0.137578, 0.240112, 0.345218, 0.450686, 0.555763, 0.660168, 0.766587,
0.872521, 0.977615, 1.078819, 1.184021, 1.289587, 1.394786, 1.552426, 1.657563,
1.764036, 1.922921, 2.078783, 2.287458, 2.501932, 2.663988, 2.768908, 2.978174,
3.188819, 3.297128, 3.460475, 3.568800, 3.670217, 3.803641, 3.803730,
- : unit = ()
1. It has been reported that the backtrace mechanism appears not to work well with the recent versions of OCaml. For the present, the choice between the Ppx constructs and the regular functions (or operators) may be more a matter of style.