The bfast package provides a highly-efficient parallel implementation for the Breaks For Additive Season and Trend (BFASTmonitor) proposed by Verbesselt et al. The implementation is based on OpenCL.
See the documentation for details and examples.
The bfast package has been tested under Python 3.*. The required Python dependencies are:
- numpy==1.16.3
- pandas==0.24.2
- pyopencl==2018.2.5
- scikit-learn==0.20.3
- scipy==1.2.1
- matplotlib==2.2.2
- wget==3.2
- Sphinx==2.2.0
- sphinx-bootstrap-theme==0.7.1
Further, OpenCL needs to be available.
The package can easily be installed via pip via:
pip install bfast
To install the package from the sources, first get the current stable release via:
git clone
Afterwards, on Linux systems, you can install the package locally for the current user via:
python install --user
The source code is published under the GNU General Public License (GPLv3). The authors are not responsible for any implications that stem from the use of this software.