This is a clone of the qraftlabs blog at
This blog uses Jekyll.
rake new_post["title of the new blog post"]
To add a post to the "Top Reads" section you must add the tag featured
to it. Use the pr:
yaml front matter to sort its position. (e.g. pr: 1
is the top post in the section).
Use yaml front-matter to add reply links to your post on Hacker News or Twitter.
To mark a post as outdated, add the outdated
front matter. Aditionally, you can direct the link in the disclaimer to a specific page using the tag doc_reference
, otherwise the link will go to the docs homepage.
outdated: true
Use the yaml front matter in your post to customize its design. The design
variable supports the following parameters. All of these parameters are optional.
bg_color: Set the background color for your post's header. (You can use rgb or hex colors inside double quotes)
bg_merge: Set to true to merge your image with your header's background color (default is false)
image: A url path to your posts image, it will be downsized if too big to fit inside a circle.
image_tw: Overrides image to set a specific image for twitter card
image_fb: Overrides image to set a specific image for facebook open graph
image_bg_color: Set a color for the circle in wich the image is placed. Use `none` for a transparent circle. (Default is `#eaeef3`).
image_size: Set the maximum size your image will have relative to the circle. (Default is "120%")
image_top: Set the the top offset relative to the center of the image. (Default is "50%")
image_left: Set the the left offset relative to the center of the image. (Default is "50%")
- Make sure you have RVM or other ruby version manager installed.
- Enter the blog directory and make sure with ruby --version that you are running the right ruby version (.ruby-version file).
- Install dependencies with
bundle install
bundle exec jekyll serve --watch
- Open http://localhost:4000/blog/. Make sure you don't leave out the trailing slash (/), otherwise you will get:
All the infrastracture to run this blog is open sourced under the MIT license.
The exact content of the articles (the _posts folder) is Qraftlabs Copyright.