.xd is a corpus-oriented format, modeled after the simplicity and intuitiveness of the markdown format. It supports 99.99% of published crosswords, and is intended to be convenient for bulk analysis of crosswords by both humans and machines, from the present and into the future.
has a simple parser for v1 .xd files with example code that answers some simple queries, like "what is the most used grid in this .zip of .xd files?" -
will convert Across-Lite .puz format to .xd. Scripts to convert other formats are also insrc/
This is the oldest rebus crossword from the New York Times (found by grep -r Rebus crosswords/nytimes | sort
), available thanks to the huge effort of the Pre-Shortzian Puzzle Project:
Title: New York Times, Saturday, January 1, 1955
Author: Anthony Morse
Editor: Margaret Farrar
Date: 1955-01-01
A1. Sadness. ~ HEARTACHE
A6. Progenitor. ~ ADAM
A10. Mae West stand-by. ~ DIAMONDLIL
D1. Vital throb. ~ HEARTBEAT
D2. Having wings. ~ ALATE
D3. Start the card game. ~ CUTANDDEAL
The .xd format is a simple UTF-8 text file, and can often be 7-bit ASCII clean.
The file is specified in one of two methods:
Using an implicit order, with sections being delineated by two or more blank lines (3 consecutive newlines (0x0A)).
## [Section Name]
to declare the lines after as a certain section. Sections with case-insensitive headers which are not"metadata"
are ignored. Order is unimportant.An example of the previous full example using the explicit headers.
## Metadata Title: New York Times, Saturday, January 1, 1955 Author: Anthony Morse Editor: Margaret Farrar Rebus: 1=HEART 2=DIAMOND 3=SPADE 4=CLUB Date: 1955-01-01 ## Grid 1ACHE#ADAM#2LIL BLUER#GULL#MATA EATIN#APEX#ICER ATAR#TILE#SNEAK TEN#MANI#ITE### ##DRUB#CANASTAS FADED#BAGGY#OIL ONES#KATES#TUNA ETA#JOKER#JORUM SILLABUB#SOON## ###ACE#RUIN#ARK 3WORK#JINX#4MAN BIRD#WADS#SCENE ISLE#EDGE#PANEL DEER#BEET#ARTEL ## Clues A1. Sadness. ~ HEARTACHE A6. Progenitor. ~ ADAM A10. Mae West stand-by. ~ DIAMONDLIL [...] D1. Vital throb. ~ HEARTBEAT D2. Having wings. ~ ALATE D3. Start the card game. ~ CUTANDDEAL [...]
The first section is a set of key:value pairs, one per line. Title, Author, Editor, Copyright, and Date are the standard headers in the meta section. Other headers describing the puzzle semantics are given below. Additional headers are allowed but will be ignored. Multiple entries with the same key are not allowed.
Optional leading whitespace and trailing whitespace on each line. Never any whitespace between characters in a grid line.
One line per row. One UTF-8 character per cell.
Uppercase A-Z refer to that letter in the solution; a '#' is a block. In a few puzzles, '_' means a space or non-existing block (usually on the edges), and '.' would be used for an empty cell (e.g. a partial solution).
Lowercase a-z indicate Special cells. The 'Special' header indicates whether those cells are "shaded" or have a "circle".
Special: shaded
Digits, most symbols, and printable unicode characters (if needed) can be used to indicate rebus cells. The 'Rebus' header provides the translation:
Rebus: 1=ONE 2=TWO 3=THREE
Lowercase letters always indicate Special cells if there is a Special header. If a puzzle has cells that are both Special and Rebus, a lowercase letter should be used, and set to its value in the Rebus header.
A leading uppercase letter indicates the group the clue is in. 'A' or 'D' indicate Across or Down; the full heading for other letters would be specified in the 'Cluegroup' header. For uniclues, the cluegroup letter is omitted.
The clues should be sorted, with a single newline separating clue groups (Across and Down).
Minimal markup is available. An example clue line:
A51. {/Italic/}, {*bold*}, {_underscore_}, or {-strike-thru-} ~ MARKUP
The clue is separated from the answer by a tilde with spaces on both sides (' ~ ').
The full answer should be provided, including rebus expansion. [This makes clue/answer lines independently useful.]
The backslash ('\') is used as a line separator in the rare case of a multi-line clue.
The free-format final section can contain any amount of notes.
The 2.0 version of the specification adds support for ## [headers]
for sections of xd content. You can read more in format specification above.