A simple and easy go tools for auto mapper struct to map, struct to struct, slice to slice, map to slice, map to json.
go get -u github.com/devfeel/mapper
Traditional Usage
package main
import (
type (
User struct {
Name string
Age int
Id string `mapper:"_id"`
AA string `json:"Score"`
Time time.Time
Student struct {
Name string
Age int
Id string `mapper:"_id"`
Score string
Teacher struct {
Name string
Age int
Id string `mapper:"_id"`
Level string
func init() {
func main() {
user := &User{}
userMap := &User{}
teacher := &Teacher{}
student := &Student{Name: "test", Age: 10, Id: "testId", Score: "100"}
valMap := make(map[string]interface{})
valMap["Name"] = "map"
valMap["Age"] = 10
valMap["_id"] = "x1asd"
valMap["Score"] = 100
valMap["Time"] = time.Now()
mapper.Mapper(student, user)
mapper.AutoMapper(student, teacher)
mapper.MapperMap(valMap, userMap)
fmt.Println("student:", student)
fmt.Println("user:", user)
fmt.Println("teacher", teacher)
fmt.Println("userMap:", userMap)
student: &{test 10 testId 100}
user: &{test 10 testId 100 0001-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC}
teacher &{test 10 testId }
userMap: &{map 10 x1asd 100 2017-11-20 13:45:56.3972504 +0800 CST m=+0.006004001}
Object Usage
package main
import (
type (
User struct {
Name string `json:"name" mapper:"name"`
Class int `mapper:"class"`
Age int `json:"age" mapper:"-"`
Student struct {
Name string `json:"name" mapper:"name"`
Class int `mapper:"class"`
Age []int `json:"age" mapper:"-"`
func main() {
user := &User{Name: "shyandsy", Class: 1, Age: 10}
student := &Student{}
// create mapper object
m := mapper.NewMapper()
// in the version < v0.7.8, we will use field name as key when mapping structs
// we keep it as default behavior in this version
student.Age = []int{1}
// disable the json tag
// student::age should be 1
m.Mapper(user, student)
&{shyandsy 1 10}
&{shyandsy 1 [1]}
- 支持不同结构体相同名称相同类型字段自动赋值,使用Mapper
- 支持不同结构体Slice的自动赋值,使用MapperSlice
- 支持字段为结构体时的自动赋值
- 支持struct到map的自动映射赋值,使用Mapper
- 支持map到struct的自动映射赋值,使用MapperMap
- 支持map到struct slice的自动赋值,使用MapToSlice
- 支持map与json的互相转换
- 支持Time与Unix自动转换
- 支持tag标签,tag关键字为 mapper
- 兼容json-tag标签
- 当tag为"-"时,将忽略tag定义,使用struct field name
- 无需手动Register struct,内部自动识别
- 支持开启关闭
- SetEnabledTypeChecking(bool) // 类型检查
- IsEnabledTypeChecking
- SetEnabledMapperTag // mapper tag
- IsEnabledMapperTag
- SetEnabledJsonTag // json tag
- IsEnabledJsonTag
- SetEnabledAutoTypeConvert // auto type convert
- IsEnabledAutoTypeConvert
- SetEnabledMapperStructField // mapper struct field
- IsEnabledMapperStructField