uad (upload and download) is a very tiny web server allowing to upload and download files.
Very tiny web server allowing to upload and download files.
uad [flags] <path>...
-d, --debug Debug mode
-P, --from-parent Paths get their names from parent dir
-h, --help help for uad
-A, --host string Host to listen to
-m, --max-upload string Max upload size (default "1G")
-D, --no-downloads Disable downloads
-U, --no-uploads Disable uploads
-p, --port int Port to listen to (default 6969)
-s, --serve-subs Serve all directories found in <path>
-H, --show-hidden Show hidden files
-v, --version version for uad
Every cli switch can be set using environment variable with UAD_
For example setting --show-hidden
would need export UAD_SHOW_HIDDEN=true
Quick start:
## You need at least golang 1.16
$ go install -v
$ uad
Or pick a release from
the release page and
install it in your $PATH
Or use the docker image availabe on dockerhub
$ docker run -d --name uad -p 6969:6969 -v /tmp/uad-files:/files deadc0de6/uad
$ go mod tidy
$ make
$ ./uad --help
nginx for a sub domain
location / {
client_max_body_size 1G;
nginx for a subpath at /uad/
for example
location /uad/ {
client_max_body_size 1G;
If you specified a different --max-upload
than the default (1G
you need to adapt the client_max_body_size
If you are having trouble using uad, open an issue.
If you want to contribute, feel free to do a PR.
This project is licensed under the terms of the GPLv3 license.