- 💡 Software engineer, content creator, and much more 😄
- ✍️ Blogging about things I'm doing, learning, tech tutorials, and more
- 🔭 Currently creating an open source event management platform focused on hackathons
- 🎥 Making tech content on the David Teather Codes YouTube channel
- 💖 Join the 26 people who have sponsored me, which enables me to create more free content and tools!
- 🌟 6.4K+ stars on GitHub
- 🎓 Guided 3.5K+ learners on my LinkedIn Learning courses
- 👁️ Over 2.0K+ subscribers, and 193K+ views on YouTube
- 📫 Feel free to shoot me an email at [email protected] for any inquiries
- 🐧 Let's connect on LinkedIn.