Soks is minimalistic SOCKS5 proxy over a network interface (like a VPN or a second physical network device). A possible use case is to use it in conjunction with PAC (Proxy Auto-Config) to make browsers and other applications visit a certain set of sites using a differente network device.
Soks doesn't implement the whole SOCKS5 protocol, it only supports the NO AUTHENTICATION REQUIRED
authentication method and TCP CONNECT
request type.
This is enough to make it work with browsers like Mozilla Firefox or other applications like ssh (when proxied with netcat).
Usage: soks -i <interface>
Soks is a minimalistic SOCKS5 proxy over a network interface (like a VPN or
a second physical network device)
-i <interface> set the network interface name to redirect the traffic to
-l <address> set the address to listen to (default
-p <port> set the port to listen to (default 1080)
-n <niceness> increase niceness for the children processes (default 10)
-t <timeout> set the timeout (in seconds) for connections (default 60)
-v be verbose (default false)
-h, --help print this help
Usage example: soks -i tun0 -l -p 1080
Soks was written by Dario Ostuni <[email protected]>
The code is licensed under the MPL2 licence <>
The project repository can be found at