Ussh searches for servers using the chef api. If you select a server from the menu it logs you into that server.
go get
In order to use it you must set
export USSH_USER=<your ldap username>
Also, this will read your ~/.chef/knife.rb file. However, it won't do the ruby string substitutions, so you will have to change
client_key "#{home_dir}/.chef/somepem.pem"
client_key "/Users/<username>/.chef/somepem.pem"
If you don't like the colors you can play witb the three that are used by setting, for example:
export USSH_COLOR_1=blue
export USSH_COLOR_2=red
export USSH_COLOR_3=magenta
The choices are black, red, green, yellow, blue, magenta, cyan, and white.
By default, 20 results are printed to the screen (you can scroll to all of the results). If you want to see more by default:
export USSH_WINDOW=<some int>.
Then type, for example
ussh server
Type 'h' to see the help screen:
Type 'q' to exit the help screen.
A menu will pop up that will contain all nodes with the word 'server' in their name.
Type 'p', 'n' (emacs style) or use the up and down arrows to highlight a different node.
Hit the enter key to ssh to the highlighted node. You can select multiple nodes and cssh into all of them by using the space bar to select. So, to ssh into server2 and server 4 you navigate to server1, hit space, navigate to server 4 and hit enter.
Another way to cssh to multiple nodes is to type C-a. A cssh session will then ssh into all visible nodes whether they are highlighted or not.
You can also filter the result list down in a few ways. One is to type Control-f (C-f). The cursor will move to the filter box. After you are done typing a filter term hit enter to move the cursor back to the node list.
Search terms can be separated by a comma. The filter terms will be ANDed together.
You can also pass a filter string in when you start the app:
ussh server -f .com
Another way to get a more refined list of nodes is to use a --role argument when starting ussh (chef role, that is):
ussh server --role teamA
You can type 'c' to copy the current host to your clipboard. Also, you can type 'C' to copy the current host to your clipboard with USSH_USER@ prepended.
In order to quit without logging into anything type control-d.