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A YAML driven binary file viewer

This program reads in a binary file specification written in YAML and emits neat, formatted data to your console.

Why Use Bender

Parsing binary files containing arbitrary and dynamic can be tedious. A typical use case would be serialized binary data consumed by space-constrained device. You might not need a parser, perhaps you have safely figured out a struct packing scheme to read and write the data. However, when you want to peek at the data from outside of your application, you must write a parser or use some type of hex dump application.

Bender allows you to define you binary layout in plain-text to control how the contents are rendered for you. This tool really shines when you have non-trivial data structures with dynamic layouts.

  1. Define your YAML spec
  2. Feed YAML spec and a binary to Bender
  3. Save a few brain cycles analyzing the binary

YAML Definition

Name Default Value Description
format bender.v1 Version of this specification
name empty Human friendly name of your spec
extensions empty List of extensions associated with the file you are describing
base_element Default Values for each type in Element The default element for your spec
structures empty Complex data types, e.g. structs
enumerations empty List of enumeration definitions
elements empty Named definition of data in your binary
layout empty Ordered list of elements as they are expected to be found in a binary.

Element Object

The fundamental component of Bender is the element. This is the name we use to describe one or more bytes in a binary file. It has a collection of fields that control how the bytes are read, stored, and displayed. Elements can be immediate values (e.g. the current read position) or deferred objects. In the latter case, a deferred object is a marker of 8 bytes describing the offset and size of the real data, each of which are 4 bytes in width.

You may take advantage of YAML merge keys to generate base objects from which you can build your elements.

Field Description Legal Values
name Name to display for this element strings
elide Hide this element from display YAML bool
units How many bytes are in this element A positive integer
signed Represent bytes as a signed value YAML bool
format How the bytes should be interpreted binary, octal, decimal, hex, ascii, unicode, hexstr, float
little_endian What order the bytes are stored in the file YAML bool
is_deferred True if this object is a deferral Optionally specify that this element is a pointer to more data
is_array_count True if this value is a count of the next object Optionally hint that the next object is repeated N times
is_array True if this value is an implicit array Optionally hint that the section may contain an array of the specified type
matrix Optional matrix definition Defines the shape of the data as a matrix type
enumeration Optional enumeration definition Defines this type as an enumeration

Deferred Object

Sometimes your binary has dynamic data. We can still parse it by using a deferred definition. Using this approach, you are defining a contract that gives an offset (relative to the start of the file) and a size in bytes of future data. Once all the elements have been read, the deferred data types are processed according to your spec.

This pattern is based on the technique of inserting a marker in your binary that is effectively a custom pointer. Both the size and offset must be 4-byte values. There are no plans to support alternative integer sizes for these values.

typedef def_location_t {
	uint32_t offset;
	uint32_t size;

Matrix Object

A matrix element is a definition for representing your data as a matrix. When a matrix is detected by the Bender parser, the format of the parent element controls the representation of the bytes. For deferred objects, the total size is captured from the 4-byte size definition which is used to calculate the total row count. For immediate objects, the element's units field is used to determine the total size.

Field Description Legal Values
columns How many variables per row A positive integer
units How many bytes per variable A positive integer

Structure Object

Sometimes your data is more than just a number or a matrix. Use structures to define sequences of bytes that create more complicated data types. Each element may also contain structures, matrices, and can be a mix of deferred and immediate objects.

There are no checks in place to detect circular references so be careful. Also, the only limit on structure depth is your stack size.

Field Description Legal Values
name Name referenced by and element strings
elements A list of elements contained in this structure Any valid Element listed under structure_elements

Enumeration Object

For numeric types, you can define an enumeration to map the number to a string. For example,

typedef enum {
   my_enum_foo = 0,
} my_enum_t;

could have a definition of

Value Name
0 Foo
1 Bar
2 Baz

which will allow Bender to replace the integer with its string representation automatically.


An array and either be implicit or explicit. Explicit arrays use the is_array_count property to indicate that a value represents the count of elements to follow. Any numeric element can be marked as an array to indicate that the next element should be repeated a number of times. This supports a structure similar to the following:

typedef def_array_t {
	uint32_t aCount;
	struct some_struct_t a[SOME_CONSTANT_A];
	uint32_t bCount;

This allows you to support immediate data with arbitrary length. The count and the element being repeated are separate objects so you can name and format them separately. Any type of element can be repeated.

An implicit array uses the is_array property to hint that the current container may container more than one of the specified element. In this case, all elements must have the same size. Each block equal to the expected element's size is parsed as an element until all blocks are exhausted.


An element may be formatted as any of the following:

  • binary Uses 0b prefix, e.g. 0b00000010 == 2
  • octal Uses O prefix, e.g. O11 == 9
  • decimal No prefix
  • hex Uses 0x prefix
  • ascii Interprets string as 7-bits per character. Length is == Units of elements.
  • unicode Interprets string as unicode characters. Length in bytes will not equal count of bytes.
  • bigint Interprets arbitrary count of bytes as a hex formatted string without a prefix.
  • float Units must be 4 bytes for single precision or 8 bytes for double precision.

For string types, the units field of element is the count of letters in the string. For ASCII, that happens to be equal to the count of bytes. For Unicode, since each character is composed of multiple bytes, the length in bytes will not equal the character count.