We are a Rust consulting company based in Germany that puts people first.
We can help you with:
- Training
- Code reviews
- Rust project maintenance
- Performance optimizations
Reach out for an intro chat. 🦀✨
Our workshop training material is open source. Here is a selection:
- Learning Rust By Counting Words: We build wc, a little tool that counts words, lines and characters in a file.
- Write Yourself A CLI: Your first steps writing a simple, but working Rust CLI application following all the best-practices.
- Write Yourself A Web-App: Write a small weather app, which reads data from an external API and presents it as HTML.
- Write Yourself Some Tests: Learn how to write effective and ergonomic tests in Rust.
- Write Yourself A Shell: Learn how shells work in a playful way by writing one yourself in Rust.
We will use the Rust standard library and learn how to do most things by ourselves. The focus is on getting a solid grasp for the language.
We offer both in-person and remote workshops for teams. Send us a mail to learn more.