Information about pilot installations in the COMSODE project. Purpose: provide quick links for those participating in the pilots.
COMSODE is an international project which has three main outputs: 1) software Open Data Node ("ODN" helps with managing a data catalog and publishing data), 2) methodologies (best practices for publishing data in open formats) and 3) published data (using our own software and our own methodologies -- "eating our own dog food").
The project started in late 2013 and ended in 2015 but since the outputs are released under an open license, software and methodologies can live on well beyond 2015. Open Data Node version 1.3.0, which was released on May 24th, 2016, was the first feature-release (with new functionality and improvements) prepared by EEA company in cooperation with other partners and Open Source community after the end of the COMSODE project.
To make sure software works as expected and that methodologies are useful, COMSODE team members will work closely with selected organizations running a pilot program, collect feedback and find ways to implement it.
While we intend to prioritize our resources on the organizations running the pilots, we also encourage other interested parties to download, install and use Open Data Node and read through our methodologies. The end goal is help organizations publish their data, so if you have feedback you would like to share, please let us know!
There are organizations in several countries expected to participate in the pilots (Czech Republic, Italy, Netherlands, Slovakia). Since some organizations only confirmed their interest informally, their list is available on the 🚫 internal wiki at this time.
To give you a quick overview of Open Data Node (software produced by COMSODE which will let you create an internal data catalog and allow you to publish datasets), you can have a look at the video below. The current screencast is based on a pre-release of Open Data Node and is in the Czech language. We intend to replace this with an English-language version based on final version of ODN after the release.
Need more information? Look here:
- COMSODE project website -- general project information.
- COMSODE blog -- reading about project updates, Open Data,...
- COMSODE deliverables -- project deliverables. Methodologies will be probably of special interest.
- -- public server: demo of the publication platform (if you'd like to try it out, please contact us, contact below).
- -- data published by COMSODE.
- Open Data Node website.
- Open Data Node GitHub repository.
- Open Data Node roadmap & releases.
- Open Data Node release notes and installation manual.
The transformation component in Open Data Node is called "Unified Views" (technically speaking, it is an ETL tool for RDF data). The following information is related to Unified Views.
We strive to make outputs available publicly, fast. Some "work-in-progress" resources are shared internally. Here are some useful ones for the pilot project managers:
- Resources for communication: English, Slovak (:no_entry_sign: not public, internal wiki).
- Status of ODN documentation (:no_entry_sign: not public, internal wiki).
- Google groups -- when communicating about pilots, please send a copy to [email protected].
Server hardware: common x86_64 compatible CPU (2-4 cores recommended for heavier transformations), 4GB RAM (more for heavy transformations, e.g. 8GB), 40GB storage. ODN has been tested on modest VPS (and laptops) for testing and demonstration purposes. You should deploy it with real data, see the usage patterns and adjust the virtual machine parameters accordingly.
Server software: Linux (Debian 7.6 "wheezy"), OpenJDK 7, Apache Tomcat 7+, Sesame 2.7.13+ or Virtuoso 7.0+ (not yet fully supported as of March 2015) for intermediate data store for data processed on the pipeline, PostgreSQL.
Client software (for accessing ODN): reasonably recent web browser (Google Chrome 23+, Internet Explorer 8+, Mozilla Firefox 17+, Opera 12+, Safari 6+).
Developer software (only if you intend to develop your own plugins): Java IDE (Netbeans, Eclipse), Apache Maven 3, Git.
(Source: 🚫 internal wiki.)
For questions regarding the pilots, contact the COMSODE consortium member you have been in contact with. If you don't know whom to contact or you are a new organization interested in running a pilot, please contact Jan Gondol.