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This repository contains the code to the CLARIAH-VL stylometry analysis pipeline.


  1. Create a new conda environment using conda create -n styloscope python=3.9.18
  2. Activate the environment with conda activate styloscope
  3. Clone the respository: git clone
  4. In this repo's home directory, install requirements with pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Google Colab

Use Styloscope in Colab:

Quick start / demo

For a demo of the pipeline, set-up and initialize the config file with python using a HuggingFace dataset of your choice (see below), and run python

User Interface

To run the pipeline in a Gradio User Interface, run python to host the UI locally. When running the UI on a remote server, connecting to the host with ssh will allow you to access the interface on your machine through the same url.

Pipeline overview

Alt text

Set up the config file

In, set the input and output parameters:

Input config

input: Full path to the input data

input_format: Format of the input data. Can be either 'csv' for .csv files, or 'zip' for folders that contain .txt files (one per text).

text_column: Only relevant if 'input_format' is 'csv'. Refers to the name of the column that contains the text data, default is 'text'.

delimiter: Only relevant if 'input_format' is 'csv'. Refers to the column delimiter, default is ','.

language: language of the input data. Default is 'Dutch', other valid options are 'English', 'French', 'German'

readability metric: Refers to the metric used to compute readability. Default is 'RIX', other valid options are 'ARI', 'ColemanLiau', 'Flesch', 'FOG', 'Kincaid', 'LIX', 'SMOG'.

lexical diversity metric: Refers to the metric used to compute lexical diversity. Default is "STTR", other valid options are 'TTR', 'RTTR', 'CTTR', 'Herdan', 'Summer', 'Dugast', 'Maas'.

STTR span size: Only relevant if lexical diversity metric = 'STTR'. Refers to the token span width used to computed standardized TTR.

HuggingFace config

(only relevant when specifying input_format='huggingface')

dataset_name: dataset identifier provided on HF

subset (if applicable): subset of interest

split (if applicable): data split of interest

text_column: name of the column on which to perform analysis

Output config

output_dir: folder in which the output of the pipeline is stored

overwrite_output_dir: Boolean that decides whether the overwrite the contents of "output_dir" if this folder already exists

Run the pipeline

To run the pipeline, simply use the following command: python


  1. dependency_profile.csv: Relative frequencies of dependencies per text.

  2. function_word_distribution.csv: Relative frequencies of function words per text.

  3. length_statistics.csv: Various statistics regarding the length of the text and words.

  4. lexical_richness_statistics.csv: Lexical richness score per text (cf. metric specified in the config file).

  5. parsing_results.csv: Parsed texts (part-of-speech tags and syntactic dependencies).

  6. pos_profile.csv: Relative frequencies of the part-of-speech tags used per text.

  7. punctuation_distribution.csv: Relative frequencies of the punctuation marks used per text.

  8. readability_statistics.csv: Readability score per text (cf. metric specified in the config file).

  9. word_length_distribution.csv: Relative distribution of word lengths per text (in number of characters).

  10. visualizations: Plotly visualizations of the distributions described above.

User Guidelines

This table contains the formulas and intended usage of the different readability metrics that can be used in the pipeline:

Metric Formula Language
ARI 4.71 * (characters / words) + 0.5 * (words / sentences) - 21.43 English
Coleman-Liau* 0.0588 * L - 0.296 * S - 15.8 English;
Texts must be > 100 tokens
Flesch reading ease 206.835 - 1.015 * (words / sentences) - 84.6 * (syllables / words) English
Flesch Kincaid grade level 11.8 * (syllables / words) + 0.39 * (words / sentences) - 15.59 English
Gunning Fog** 0.4 * (words / sentences + % complex words) English;
Texts must be > 100 syllables
LIX*** (words / sentences) + (100 * (long words / words)) Language-independant
RIX*** (long words / sentences) + (words / sentences) Language-independant;
More interpretable version of LIX
SMOG** sqrt(complex words) + 3 English;
Orig. developed for clinical texts;
Texts must be > 30 sentences.

*L = Average number of characters per 100 tokens
S = Average number of sentences per 100 tokens

**Complex words = words that contain at least 3 syllables

***Long words = words longer than 6 characters

The following table contains the formulas of the different lexical richness metrics that can be used in the pipeline. All metrics use the total number of words and the number of unique words to compute a score. We recommend using the standardized type-token ratio (STTR), as it is less prone to influence by varying text lengths.

Metric Formula
TTR Number of unique words / Total number of words
STTR Mean of TTR scores per n words (returns TTR if text < n words)
RTTR Number of unique words / sqrt(Total number of words)
CTTR Number of unique words / sqrt(2 * Total number of words)
Herdan log(Number of unique words) / log(Total number of words)
Summer log( log(Number of unique words) ) / log( log(Total number of words) )
Dugast ( log(Total number of words)**2) / ( log(Total number of words) - log(Number of unique words) )
Maas ( log(Total number of words) - log(Number of unique words) ) / log(Total number of words)**2

How to cite

Jens Lemmens and Walter Daelemans. 2024. Styloscope and Toposcope: Towards user-friendly digital text analysis. CLiPS Technical Report Series (CTRS): 10.


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