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CLI for Clay - A powerful set of tools to create Functions As A Service (FaaS)


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This repo is the command line tool for using Clay - The fastest way to create and deploy microservices.

You can learn more here:

What is Clay?

Clay is:

  1. A set of tools that allow you to create and deploy API endpoints (microservices) in seconds.
  2. A community and registry for those microservices.

Think of it like Github if the code at each repository was running and not static. The benefit of this is that your code is a living service that:

  • Can be used in any language - every function you write instantly becomes an API that can be used by someone in whatever language they work in.
  • People can test out via our microservice UI
  • Provides you a way to see how people use your service via our logs & helps you catch errors you might hit.

We're in early days. Get involved or ask questions by opening up Github issues or chatting with us on Gitter.

What Kinds of Things Can I Use Clay For

  • Building an app powered entirely by microservices
  • Programmable Web Hooks
  • Power Your Alexa Skill or Slack Bot
  • Data Processing & Enrichment
  • Scraping, Screenshoting & other things that require Headless Browsers

Build your own microservices or browse our list of publicly available microservices

You can open up an issue if you are looking for a microservice or api that is not available in our public registry and we will get it built!


Clay-Cli is a command line tool that allows you to quickly create microservices using Clay.

We currently support nodejs. The microservices are auto-scaling and production ready.


$npm install -g clay-run

Usage - Creating microservices


The first thing to do is to signup:

$ clay signup

Follow the interactive instructions. You just need an email, username and a password.

Now you're ready to create your first service

There are two ways to get started:

1. Create a new service

$ clay new <your-service-name>

Replace with the name of your service. This will create a folder in your current directory with the name of your service.

if you want to build an Alexa Skill simply run the following

$ clay new <your-service-name> -t alexa

2. Fork an existing function

$ clay fork serviceToFork newServiceName

You can use the name of service to fork

e.g. kareemcore/whois-deluxe or a url

You can find a list of public functions that you can fork here: publicly available microservices

Then enter a valid name as the new service name. Do not include your username as part of the newServiceName

Next change to your service directory:

$ cd your-service-name

It should look like this:

- your-service-name
	- your-service-name.js
	- package.json
	- node_modules
	- clay-config.json
	- test-data.json

Edit Code

You can now edit the nodejs code in your-service-name.js

Here is what it looks like by default:

 // Require your files or libraries here. You can use npm to install libraries.

exports.handler = function(event, context, callback) {
  // Write your code here
  // Your service only responds to POST requests
  // Any variables passed are found in event.body
  // eventVars is a convenience that parses any JSON
  // objects that were passed in the POST request
  var eventVars = JSON.parse(event.body);
  // JSON Stringify the result of the service call
  // In this case we simply pass back whatever parameters
  // were sent to the service
  var result = JSON.stringify(eventVars)
  // Do not change this: 
  // This ends the service call with the results, 
  // HTTP 200 status code and headers to allow cross origin requests 
  // and to indicate that the result is JSON.
  context.succeed({"body": result,
                  "statusCode": 200,
                  "headers": {
                    "Content-Type": "application/json",
                    "Access-Control-Allow-Origin": "*"

Manage packages with npm and require them the way you would in any regular nodejs project.


To deploy simply run while in the service directory:

$ clay deploy

Clay Config File

The config file looks like this:

  "accountName": "public",
  "serviceName": "get-all-images",
  "serviceDescription": "A service that takes in bits and moves atoms",
  "inputs": [
      "name": "myVariable",
      "type": "text",
      "displayName": "My Variable"
  "serviceDisplayName": "Get All Images"

This is used by Clay to automatically created a visual interface that you can use to run your service and test it. It will also facilitate many features that will help in developing microservices in the future.

accountName: is a string that identifies the type of account. Do not change this.

serviceName: is a string that identifies your service. Do not change this.

serviceDescription: is a description of what your service does.

inputs: is an array of JSON objects with a

  • name: variable name that you use in the code
  • type: type of variable.

Currently supported are text, date, image, file, json, address, url, select. Use text when you want to pass arbitrary text including an []

  • displayName: this is the name that shows up in the Clay's UI to idenitfy this variable

serviceDisplayName: this is the name that shows up in Clay's UI to identify this service

Using Private/Secret Environment Variables

To add a new key and value pair:

$ clay add:env key value

If the value has special characters in it enclose the whole value in single quotes.

To delete an existing key

$ clay delete:env key

To list all variables

$ clay list:env

The environment variables are accessible through


where key is the name of your key.

Running your service

Run Locally

To run locally call:

$ clay test

This will run your code and use the test-data.json file as the key-value pairs that get passed to the function's event.body variable.

Logging will work normally and output to STDOUT.

Run on Production from the CLI

If you are in a Clay service directory simply type

$ clay run

This will run you code use the test-data.json file as the key-value pairs that get passed to the function's event.body variable.

You can also pass in custom key-value pairs for that invocation with the following command:

$ clay run `{"myVariable: value"}`

Finally you can run any publicly accessible clay service with the following command:

$ clay run nameOfService {"myVariable: value"}

Run on Production from code

Make an HTTP POST call to:

Pass any key-value arguments in the body of your POST call

Run on Production using the Clay visual interface

You can also view your service at:

Login with your credentials and you will be able to run your service with any parameters that you specified in the clay config file. You will also be able to see the logs.

See Production Logs


$ clay logs

or view the logs at:

Managing your Clay services

Downloading code for a Clay service

$ clay download nameOfService

The service must be either public or owned by you in order to download it.

Downloading a public service allows you to have read-only access to the code.

If you'd like to make changes to a public service you have to fork it to create your own version and make changes to that.

List All of Your Services

$ clay list

Get info about service

$ clay info


$ clay login

Create an Alexa Skill

For a complete walk through check out this blog post

$ clay new my-alexa-skill -t alexa


Coming soon


The MIT License (MIT)

Copyright (c) 2016-2017 Clay Labs Inc