Easylang is a simple open-source programming language with built-in graphical features and a user-friendly browser IDE that can be used also offline. It was developed to make learning to program as easy and accessible as possible. You can also use Easylang to write simple graphical programs that can be embedded in a web page.
# animate a pendulum
ang = 45
on animate
move 50 50
circle 1
x = 50 + 40 * sin ang
y = 50 + 40 * cos ang
line x y
circle 6
vel += sin ang / 5
ang += vel
MacOS: Xcode Command Line Tools
JDK, Emscripten
Download Emscripten WASM SDK and install it
curl -L https://github.com/emscripten-core/emsdk/archive/refs/heads/main.zip -o main.zip
unzip -q main.zip
mv emsdk-main emsdk
Install and activate a tested version
source emsdk/emsdk_env.sh
emsdk update ; emsdk list
# vers=latest
emsdk install $vers ; emsdk activate $vers
curl -L https://github.com/chkas/easylang/archive/refs/heads/main.zip -o main.zip
unzip -q main.zip
mv easylang-main easylang
The destination folder is ~/out/easylang. Needs Java for the closure-compiler.
source emsdk/emsdk_env.sh
( cd easylang/main ; make )
Test it locally
(cd ~/out/easylang/;python3 -m http.server)