I'm Chris. My research connects perception, robotics and machine learning.
To learn more, visit https://cheind.github.io/ and browse my repositories 👇
Latest Updates
2024/10/30 Added ICP implementation for line-like rigid/similarity motion problems in n-dimensions https://github.com/cheind/polyline-icp
2024/10/17 Added color based depth compression for efficient depth map storing https://github.com/cheind/hue-depth-encoding
2024/10/10 Added out-of-focus analysis to image-stitch that reveals heavily occluded objects from multiple images
2024/03/13 Just published a code demo on image stitching via analytic homographies https://github.com/cheind/image-stitch
2023/08/01 My findings on the 'Anoto micro-dot codec' got published alongside with code https://github.com/cheind/py-microdots