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4f40ef4 · Mar 30, 2022


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Flagr - the Ruby gem for the Flagr

Flagr is a feature flagging, A/B testing and dynamic configuration microservice. The base path for all the APIs is "/api/v1".

This SDK is automatically generated by the Swagger Codegen project:

  • API version: 1.1.12
  • Package version: 1.1.12
  • Build package: io.swagger.codegen.languages.RubyClientCodegen


Build a gem

To build the Ruby code into a gem:

gem build rbflagr.gemspec

Then either install the gem locally:

gem install ./rbflagr-1.1.12.gem

(for development, run gem install --dev ./rbflagr-1.1.12.gem to install the development dependencies)

or publish the gem to a gem hosting service, e.g. RubyGems.

Finally add this to the Gemfile:

gem 'rbflagr', '~> 1.1.12'

Install from Git

If the Ruby gem is hosted at a git repository:, then add the following in the Gemfile:

gem 'rbflagr', :git => ''

Include the Ruby code directly

Include the Ruby code directly using -I as follows:

ruby -Ilib script.rb

Getting Started

Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following code:

# Load the gem
require 'rbflagr'

api_instance =

flag_id = 789 # Integer | numeric ID of the flag

segment_id = 789 # Integer | numeric ID of the segment

body = # CreateConstraintRequest | create a constraint

  result = api_instance.create_constraint(flag_id, segment_id, body)
  p result
rescue Flagr::ApiError => e
  puts "Exception when calling ConstraintApi->create_constraint: #{e}"

Documentation for API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to http://localhost/api/v1

Class Method HTTP request Description
Flagr::ConstraintApi create_constraint POST /flags/{flagID}/segments/{segmentID}/constraints
Flagr::ConstraintApi delete_constraint DELETE /flags/{flagID}/segments/{segmentID}/constraints/{constraintID}
Flagr::ConstraintApi find_constraints GET /flags/{flagID}/segments/{segmentID}/constraints
Flagr::ConstraintApi put_constraint PUT /flags/{flagID}/segments/{segmentID}/constraints/{constraintID}
Flagr::DistributionApi find_distributions GET /flags/{flagID}/segments/{segmentID}/distributions
Flagr::DistributionApi put_distributions PUT /flags/{flagID}/segments/{segmentID}/distributions
Flagr::EvaluationApi post_evaluation POST /evaluation
Flagr::EvaluationApi post_evaluation_batch POST /evaluation/batch
Flagr::ExportApi get_export_eval_cache_json GET /export/eval_cache/json
Flagr::ExportApi get_export_sqlite GET /export/sqlite
Flagr::FlagApi create_flag POST /flags
Flagr::FlagApi delete_flag DELETE /flags/{flagID}
Flagr::FlagApi find_flags GET /flags
Flagr::FlagApi get_flag GET /flags/{flagID}
Flagr::FlagApi get_flag_entity_types GET /flags/entity_types
Flagr::FlagApi get_flag_snapshots GET /flags/{flagID}/snapshots
Flagr::FlagApi put_flag PUT /flags/{flagID}
Flagr::FlagApi set_flag_enabled PUT /flags/{flagID}/enabled
Flagr::HealthApi get_health GET /health
Flagr::SegmentApi create_segment POST /flags/{flagID}/segments
Flagr::SegmentApi delete_segment DELETE /flags/{flagID}/segments/{segmentID}
Flagr::SegmentApi find_segments GET /flags/{flagID}/segments
Flagr::SegmentApi put_segment PUT /flags/{flagID}/segments/{segmentID}
Flagr::SegmentApi put_segments_reorder PUT /flags/{flagID}/segments/reorder
Flagr::TagApi create_tag POST /flags/{flagID}/tags
Flagr::TagApi delete_tag DELETE /flags/{flagID}/tags/{tagID}
Flagr::TagApi find_all_tags GET /tags
Flagr::TagApi find_tags GET /flags/{flagID}/tags
Flagr::VariantApi create_variant POST /flags/{flagID}/variants
Flagr::VariantApi delete_variant DELETE /flags/{flagID}/variants/{variantID}
Flagr::VariantApi find_variants GET /flags/{flagID}/variants
Flagr::VariantApi put_variant PUT /flags/{flagID}/variants/{variantID}

Documentation for Models

Documentation for Authorization

All endpoints do not require authorization.

Use Makefile

make gen