An IRC bot written in Node.js! Inspired by irccat and @ericnorris. Create new modules in scripts/. Each module must have the following declaration to be instantiated:
module.exports {
name: "The module name",
description: "A description of your module",
commands: {
testing: commandFunc
function commandFunc(client, args) { }
In this example "testing" is what's typed in IRC to trigger the function commandFunc. The argument "client" is a node-irc object and "args" is a map of properties for the command instance with the following mapping:
args = {
from: <nick of the sender>,
to: <channel or nick of bot if pm>,
replyto: <who to send replies to (channel or pm),
raw_msg: <entire command set to bot>,
args: <array of raw_msg split by a space>
See provided scripts for examples.
- Node.js v0.10.26+
- node-irc (