The Cloud Controller provides REST API endpoints to create and manage apps, services, user roles, and more!
The Cloud Controller supports Postgres and Mysql.
The Cloud Controller manages a blobstore for:
- Resource cache: During package upload resource matching, Cloud Controller will only upload files it doesn't already have in this cache.
- App packages: Unstaged files for an application
- Droplets: An executable containing an app and its runtime dependencies
- Buildpacks: Set of programs that transform packages into droplets
- Buildpack cache: Cached dependencies and build artifacts to speed up future staging
Cloud Controller currently supports webdav and the following fog connectors:
- Azure
- Openstack
- Local (NFS)
The Cloud Controller uses Diego to stage and run apps and tasks.
See Diego Design Notes for more details.
Please read the contributors' guide
TLDR: Always run bundle exec rake
before committing
To maintain a consistent and effective approach to testing, please refer to the spec README and keep it up to date, documenting the purpose of the various types of tests.
By default rspec
will randomly pick between postgres and mysql.
It will try to connect to those databases with the following connection string: postgres: postgres://postgres@localhost:5432/cc_test mysql: mysql2://root:password@localhost:3306/cc_test
rake db:create will create the above database when the DB
environment variable is set to postgres or mysql.
You should run this before running rake in order to ensure that the cc_test
database exists.
You can specify the full connection string via the DB_CONNECTION_STRING
environment variable. Examples:
DB_CONNECTION_STRING="postgres://postgres@localhost:5432/cc_test" rake
DB_CONNECTION_STRING="mysql2://root:password@localhost:3306/cc_test" rake
If you are running the integration specs (which are included in the full rake),
and you are specifying DB_CONNECTION_STRING, you will also
need to have a second test database with _integration_cc
as the name suffix.
For example, if you are using:
You will also need a database called:
The development team typically will run the specs to a single file as (e.g.)
bundle exec rspec spec/controllers/runtime/users_controller_spec.rb
bundle exec rake spec
bundle exec rubocop
To ensure our changes to the Cloud Controller correctly integrate with the rest of the Cloud Foundry components like Diego,
we run the CF Acceptance Tests (CATs) against a running CF deployment.
This test suite uses the CF CLI to ensure end-user actions like cf push
function end-to-end.
For more substantial code changes and PRs, please deploy your changes and ensure that at least the core CATs suite passes. Follow the instructions here for setting up the CATs suite. The following will run the core test suites against a local bosh-lite:
cd ~/go/src/
cat > integration_config.json <<EOF
"api": "",
"apps_domain": "",
"admin_user": "admin",
"admin_password": "admin",
"skip_ssl_validation": true
export CONFIG=$PWD/integration_config.json
./bin/test -nodes=3
If your change touches a more specialized part of the code such as Isolation Segments or Tasks, please opt into the corresponding test suites. The full list of optional test suites can be found here.
Cloud Controller uses Steno to manage its logs. Each log entry includes a "source" field to designate which module in the code the entry originates from. Some of the possible sources are '', 'cc.app_stager', 'cc.dea.client' and 'cc.healthmanager.client'.
Here are some use cases for the different log levels:
- the CC received a malformed HTTP request, or a request for a non-existent dropletwarn
- the CC failed to delete a droplet, CC received a request with an invalid auth tokeninfo
- CC received a token from UAA, CC received a NATS requestdebug2
- CC created a service, updated a servicedebug
- CC syncs resource pool, CC uploaded a file
The Cloud Controller uses a YAML configuration file. For an example, see config/cloud_controller.yml