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Repo for the development of a visualisation tool to display the energy use of C-Aware energy sensors

More information about the project can be found at

Change log:

  Upgraded charting library from Protovis to D3.js v3
  Upgraded Bootstrap from v1.3.0 to v3.0.0
  Upgraded SlickGrid.js from v2.0 alpha to v2.2
  Upgraded jQuery from v1.9.1 to v2.0.3
  New visual design
  Added "Reset selection" button on tree
  Added Sankey diagrams and Tree maps
  Line chart:
    Hour-precision range selection
    Zoom on chart using mouse wheel
    Added filter button to remove high frequencies from large datasets
    Added area gradient to help visualise plot lines
    Points on the chart are sampled to limit the amount to c.600 per plot line
  Sankey diagram:
    Diagram based on average values at an interval, from hourly to monthly, over a defined time range
    Options to change maximum depth and zoom into diagram
  Tree Map:
    Tree map representation of the tree
  New script structure using objects and chart options
  timeSeries class to manage concatenation of data time series handling missing data

v2.2: Release!
  Added ability to plot difference in monitored sum and overall total
  Added &fix44=true option to patch chilled data being factor of 40 out
  Fixed non-display of single digit meters

  Fixed bugs which allowed attempt at download of non-existent data
  Added Y Axis scaling buttons for alternative data views
  Added bad data suppression support:
  Added SVG dashed line support in protons
  Added dashed lines for data points which are considered bad by index generator
  Added auto clamping from config file, allowing Y axis power limits on data

  Sensor data awareness, won't extend viewport when no data exists.
  UI overhaul, using bootstrap from Twitter, including loading indicators.
  Added Info, Warning and Error messages when files not found / no data to display etc.
  Added ability to ignore sensors, and/or to avoid them increasing the averages in the tree above.
  Improved code portability
  Added config file support.
  Improved SensorAccessor class, and make use of it
  Fixed page resizing errors
  Added external temperature plotting support
  Added multiple visualisation support
  Added sensor info panel
  Added sensor error index
  Improved visual scheme

  Now adds up and sorts multiple plots preventing plots repeating themselves.
  Started frequency testing.

  Tool now deals with missing data files, presenting the earliest and latest files at max and min.
  Improved average code.
  Displays N/A in tree when sensors below have differing data dates for average calc.
  Restored S-m27.

  Code clean up.
  Added overall meter on load.

  Bug fixes.
  Started additions to HTML validation.
  Now uses coverage fields from data in tree and table.
  Now indexes daily meter data.
  Ignores S-m27 meter for release.

  Plots no longer jump colours on sensor changes.
  Added months for which node averages were calculated into tree text.
  Added Google Chrome Frame banner for IE users.
  Added colour swatches in table.
  Added simple caching of sensor files.

  Added support for displaying previous months data as well as the current month. 
  Tidied up the UI, split the time and date below and above the main graph panel.

  Added increased number of plots to be displayed, and general code and UI tweaks

  Added ability for Average nodes to display summation of all nodes beneath them.

  Added Average nodes into the exploration tree.