We've made a better version of the sun, one that rises on command, does not disappear like the Boston sun, and can be custom tailored to any night-shifted college student's schedule. It is essentially a light dimmer that talks to your computer, and it determines the best time to rise based on your Google Calendar. SunV2 slowly dims a light on as to emulate sunrise.
- Lutron IR Dimmer with IR Receiver [http://www.amazon.com/Lutron-MIR-600THW-WH-600-Watt-Infrared-Receiver/dp/B000JJYJMM/]
- MSP430 LaunchPad [https://estore.ti.com/Product3.aspx?ProductId=2031]
- IR LED Emitter 940nm [http://www.digikey.com/product-detail/en/LTE-5208A/160-1061-ND/153250]
- mspdebug [https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/quantal/+source/mspdebug]
- Code Composer Studio 5 (if you want to change the firmware)
- Python 2.7.3
- Google APIs Client Library for Python [http://code.google.com/p/google-api-python-client/wiki/OAuth2Client]
- Commandline flags module for Python [http://code.google.com/p/python-gflags/]
- pip (optional, to help install the following)
- flask (optional, for the demo website)
- pyserial
- Make sure you have the above hardware and have installed the above software
- Connect the positive end of the LED to Pin P1.0 (LED1) and the negative end of the LED to GND
- Make sure the IR LED is within a few feet and pointed at the IR reciever of the dimmer
- Plug in the LaunchPad via USB
- Flash the firmware: $
mspdebug rf2500 'prog Sun_firmware.txt'
- Make the Sun executable: $
chmod u+x web/interface.py
- Run the Sun regularly: $
crontab -e
- Add the line:
*/5 * * * 1-5 python <PATH_TO_REPO>/web/interface.py >> <PATH_TO_REPO>/log.log
- Add the line:
- Run the Sun script once, to authenticate your Google account: $
python web/Sun.py
- Make sure that the
file is readable and writeable: $chmod a+rw src/calendar.dat
- To check the log for errors: $
tail -f <PATH_TO_REPO>/log.log
- To manually remote control the dimmer: $
screen /dev/ttyACM0 9600
- Use keys ASDW to control the dimmer
- To run the demo web interface: $
python web/demo.py
- Then, navigate to localhost and click buttons to control the dimmer
- To just check your Google Calendar "sunrise" time without controlling any lights, just run: $
python web/Sun.py
- File > New > CCS Project
- Family: MSP430, Variant: MSP430G2553, Empty Project
- Right click on project > Properties
- Build > Advanced Options > Language Options > Enable "Treat C files as C++ files"
- Right click on project > Properties
- Build > Steps > Apply Predefined Step > TI-TXT
- $
- Add code: $
ln -s src/ <PATH_TO_PROJECT>/src
- Export binary: Project > Build All
- Link binary to repo: $
ln <PATH_TO_PROJECT>/Debug/<PROJECT_NAME>.txt bin/Sun_firmware.txt
- Load program via terminal: $
mspdebug rf2500 'prog bin/Sun_firmware.txt'
- Add code: src/
- Load program: Run > Debug
- Pin reference for the Launchpad [https://github.com/energia/Energia/wiki/Hardware#wiki-LaunchPad_MSP430G2553]
- Software UART on the MSP430 [https://github.com/wendlers/msp430-softuart]
- PySerial [http://pyserial.sourceforge.net/shortintro.html]
- Rain dance: to make the sun go away (snooze)