- Fort Collins
- http://www.paolocorti.net
- @capooti
Python Deep Dive Course - Accompanying Materials
120+ interactive Python coding interview challenges (algorithms and data structures). Includes Anki flashcards.
HHypermap BOP -- Harvard Hypermap, Billion Object Platform (using Apache Solr)
Virtualenv and setuptools friendly version of standard GDAL python bindings
Geospatial Data in Python Tutorial Materials
Documentation for the QGIS project
A theme for the sphinx documentation system based on bootstrap
Documentation relating to QGIS governance
Python coding tutorials and examples for QGIS
QGIS documentation in .rst rendered in html and pdf by Sphinx
Web based localization tool with tight version control integration.
a web application for aggregating, structuring, geoparsing and filtering news feeds
Validate HTML and CSS files and URLs using the WC3 validators
sgillies / Fiona
Forked from Toblerity/FionaOfficial repo is at https://github.com/Toblerity/Fiona
capooti / mapquery
Forked from mapquery/mapqueryCombining the power of OpenLayers and jQuery
Combining the power of OpenLayers and jQuery
capooti / olwidget
Forked from yourcelf/olwidgetJavascript library to replace textareas that contain WKT data with editable OpenLayers maps, and a django app using it for django forms and admin.
capooti / blogofile
Forked from EnigmaCurry/blogofileA static website compiler and blog engine written in Python.
Slides and code samples for python GIS workshop
A simple Python library/tool for pulling location information from unstructured text
🍃 JavaScript library for mobile-friendly interactive maps 🇺🇦
GeoNode is an open source platform that facilitates the creation, sharing, and collaborative use of geospatial data.
OGR2Layers is a QGIS's plugin to create a OpenLayers page with the OGR layers loaded on QGIS
capooti / pinax
Forked from pinax/pinaxa Django-based platform for rapidly developing websites
un tutorial per GeoDjango per il workshop gfoss4-it di Lugano, 10 Febbraio 2010
un tutorial per GeoDjango per il workshop gfoss4-it di Lugano, 10 Febbraio 2010