Monorepo containing BE and FE for app. A free open source app for invoicing targeted at self-employed OSVČ or tiny companies.
- Typescript
- React.js
- Drizzle ORM
- Turso
- Shadcn
- Cloudflare workers
- Node.js 22+
- pnpm
- turso DB on your turso cloud account
You need to have turso DB setup. You only need google client ID for google login. Mailjet you only need if you want to send emails.
pnpm i
cd faktorio-fe && cp .env.example .env
cd faktorio-api && cp .dev.vars.example .dev.vars
- fill in missing env vars in both files, keep empty those you don't want to use(mailjet, google client ID)
pnpm dev
cd faktorio-api
pnpm generate
cd faktorio-api
pnpm migrate
Migration do not run on CI. They must be run manually for now.
Project is under active development. The aim is to make this a number one invoicing app in Czech republic for freelancers and small companies.
make sure to use pk_test
clerk key. Clerk won't even load when you use production key on localhost
- add ability to export XMLs for DPH and Kontrolni hlaseni, support monthly and quarterly cadence
- add feature to import expense invoices by OCRing them with google gemini 2.0
- be able to run local-first/fully offline using local sqlite db
- DPH priznani at the end of the year
- automated DPH and Kontrolni hlaseni submission to ADIS every month/quarter for you with automated pupeteer script
- integrate with Fio bank API to be able to mark invoices as paid when you receive money
- ability to import contact and invoice data from fakturoid
- generate invoice PDF
- search through invoices
- contact management(integrated with ARES)
- support for foreign currencies
- export invoices to Excel, CSV
- has most features same as faktorio, but it does not have any other currencies than CZK, so you cannot invoice in EUR for example