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A-Frame physics using PhysX

For examples of usage, see:



There is just one main JS module, physx.min.js, which triggers download of a specified additional wasm module.

The URL for the PhysX wasm module needs to be specified on the physx component schema.

Installation via Script Tags

You can either download the module from the dist directory of this repo and the wasm file from the wasm directory and include them like this:

<script src="physx.min.js"></script>
<a-scene physx="autoLoad: true; wasmUrl: physx.release.wasm">

Or you can download via JSDelivr CDN (specifying the version number you want to use)

<script src="[email protected]/dist/physx.min.js"></script>
<a-scene physx="autoLoad: true; wasmUrl:[email protected]/wasm/physx.release.wasm">

Installation via npm

Install the dependency:

npm install @c-frame/physx

In your project import it:

import "@c-frame/physx";

Copy node_modules/@c-frame/physx/wasm maybe in your public folder and then reference it like this:

<a-scene physx="autoLoad: true; wasmUrl: /wasm/physx.release.wasm">


Clone this repo, and run

npm install

To run for development purposes, run:

npm run dev or npm start

Examples can be viewed at /examples

To build (non minified and minified builds), run:

npm run dist

You don't need to run it in development.

System physx

Implements the a physics system using an emscripten compiled PhysX engine.

If autoLoad is true, or when you call startPhysX(), the physx system will automatically load and initialize the physics system with reasonable defaults and a ground plane. All you have to do is add physx-body to the bodies that you want to be part of the simulation. The system will take try to take care of things like collision meshes, position updates, etc automatically. The simplest physics scene looks something like:

<a-scene physx="autoLoad: true; wasmUrl:[email protected]/wasm/physx.release.wasm">
 <a-assets><a-asset-item id="#mymodel" src="..."></a-asset-item></a-assets>

 <a-box physx-body="type: static" color="green" position="0 0 -3"></a-box>
 <a-sphere physx-body="type: dynamic" position="0.4 2 -3" color="blue"></a-sphere>
 <a-entity physx-body="type: dynamic" position="0 5 -3" gltf-model="#mymodel"></a-entity>

If you want a little more control over how things behave, you can set the physx-material component on the objects in your simulation, or use physx-joints, physx-joint-constraints and physx-joint-drivers to add some complexity to your scene.

If you need more low-level control, the PhysX bindings are exposed through the PhysX property of the system. So for instance, if you wanted to make use of the PxCapsuleGeometry in your own component, you would call:

let myGeometry = new, 2.0)

The system uses a fork of PhysX, built using the Docker Wrapper. To see what's exposed to JavaScript, see PxWebBindings.cpp

It is also helpful to refer to the NVIDIA PhysX documentation

physx Schema

Property Type Default Description
delay number 5000 Amount of time to wait after loading before starting the physics. Can be useful if there is still some things loading or initializing elsewhere in the scene
throttle number 10 Throttle for running the physics simulation. On complex scenes, you can increase this to avoid dropping video frames
autoLoad boolean false If true, the PhysX will automatically be loaded and started. If false, you will have to call startPhysX() manually to load and start the physics engine
speed number 1 Simulation speed multiplier. Increase or decrease to speed up or slow down simulation time
wasmUrl string ../../wasm/physx.release.wasm (only useful for the examples) URL for the PhysX WASM bundle. Be sure this matches the script version.
useDefaultScene boolean true If true, sets up a default scene with a ground plane and bounding cylinder.
wrapBounds boolean false NYI
groundCollisionLayers string Which collision layers the ground belongs to
groundCollisionMask string Which collision layers will collide with the ground
gravity vec3 { x: 0, y: -9.8, z: 0 } Global gravity vector
stats array of strings Where to output performance stats (if any), panel, console, events (or some combination).
- panel output stats to a panel similar to the A-Frame stats panel.
-events generates physics-tick-timer events, which can be processed externally.
-consoleoutputs stats to the console.

physx Methods

Signature Description
startPhysX() Loads PhysX and starts the simulation

Component physx-material

Controls physics properties for individual shapes or rigid bodies. You can set this either on an entity with the phyx-body component, or on a shape or model contained in an entity with the physx-body component. If it's set on a physx-body, it will be the default material for all shapes in that body. If it's set on an element containing geometry or a model, it will be the material used for that shape only.

For instance, in the following scene fragment:

<a-entity id="bodyA" physx-body physx-material="staticFriction: 0.5">
  <a-box id="shape1" physx-material="staticFriction: 1.0"></a-box>
  <a-sphere id="shape2"></a-sphere>
<a-cone id="bodyB" physx-body></a-cone>

shape1, which is part of the bodyA rigid body, will have static friction of 1.0, since it has a material set on it. shape2, which is also part of the bodyA rigid body, will have a static friction of 0.5, since that is the body default. bodyB will have the component default of 0.2, since it is a separate body.

physx-material Schema

Property Type Default Description
staticFriction number 0.2 Static friction
dynamicFriction number 0.2 Dynamic friction
restitution number 0.2 Restitution, or "bounciness"
density number Density for the shape. If densities are specified for all shapes in a rigid body, then the rigid body's mass properties will be automatically calculated based on the different densities. However, if density information is not specified for every shape, then the mass defined in the overarching physx-body will be used instead.
collisionLayers array [1] Which collision layers this shape is present on
collidesWithLayers array [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ] Array containing all layers that this shape should collide with
collisionGroup number 0 If collisionGroup is greater than 0, this shape will not collide with any other shape with the same collisionGroup value
contactOffset string If >= 0, this will set the PhysX contact offset, indicating how far away from the shape simulation contact events should begin.
restOffset string If >= 0, this will set the PhysX rest offset

Component physx-body

Turns an entity into a PhysX rigid body. This is the main component for creating physics objects.


There are 3 types of supported rigid bodies. The type can be set by using the type proeprty, but once initialized cannot be changed.

  • dynamic objects are objects that will have physics simulated on them. The entity's world position, scale, and rotation will be used as the starting condition for the simulation, however once the simulation starts the entity's position and rotation will be replaced each frame with the results of the simulation.
  • static objects are objects that cannot move. They can be used to create collidable objects for dynamic objects, or for anchor points for joints.
  • kinematic objects are objects that can be moved programmatically, but will not be moved by the simulation. They can however, interact with and collide with dynamic objects. Each frame, the entity's object3D will be used to set the position and rotation for the simulation object.


When the component is initialized, and on the object3dset event, all visible meshes that are descendents of this entity will have shapes created for them. Each individual mesh will have its own convex hull automatically generated for it. This means you can have reasonably accurate collision meshes both from building up shapes with a-frame geometry primitives, and from importing 3D models.

Visible meshes can be excluded from this shape generation process by setting the physx-no-collision attribute on the corresponding a-entity element. Invisible meshes can be included into this shape generation process by settingt the physx-hidden-collision attribute on the corresponding a-entity element. This can be especially useful when using an external tool (like Blender V-HACD) to create a low-poly convex collision mesh for a high-poly or concave mesh. This leads to this pattern for such cases:

   <a-entity physx-body="type: dynamic">
     <a-entity gltf-model="HighPolyOrConcaveURL.gltf" physx-no-collision=""></a-entity>
     <a-entity gltf-model="LowPolyConvexURL.gltf" physx-hidden-collision="" visible="false"></a-entity>

Note, in such cases that if you are setting material properties on individual shapes, then the property should go on the collision mesh entity

physx-body Schema

Property Type Default Description
type string dynamic [dynamic, static, kinematic] Type of the rigid body to create
mass number 1 Total mass of the body
angularDamping number 0 If > 0, will set the rigid body's angular damping
linearDamping number 0 If > 0, will set the rigid body's linear damping
emitCollisionEvents boolean false If set to true, it will emit contactbegin and contactend events when collisions occur
highPrecision boolean false If set to true, the object will receive extra attention by the simulation engine (at a performance cost).
shapeOffset vec3 { x: 0, y: 0, z: 0 }

physx-body Methods

Signature Description
toggleGravity () Turns gravity on and off

Component physx-joint-driver

Creates a driver which exerts force to return the joint to the specified (currently only the initial) position with the given velocity characteristics.

This can only be used on an entity with a physx-joint component. Currently only supports D6 joint type. E.g.

<a-box physx-body>
   <a-entity position="0.2 0.3 0.4" rotation="0 90 0"
             physx-joint="type: D6; target: #other-body"
             physx-joint-driver="axes: swing, twist; stiffness: 30; angularVelocity: 3 3 0">

physx-joint-driver Schema

Property Type Default Description
axes array [] Which axes the joint should operate on. Should be some combination of x, y, z, twist, swing
stiffness number 1 How stiff the drive should be
damping number 1 Damping to apply to the drive
forceLimit number 3.4028234663852886e+38 Maximum amount of force used to get to the target position
useAcceleration boolean true If true, will operate directly on body acceleration rather than on force
linearVelocity vec3 { x: 0, y: 0, z: 0 } Target linear velocity relative to the joint
angularVelocity vec3 { x: 0, y: 0, z: 0 } Targget angular velocity relative to the joint
lockOtherAxes boolean false If true, will automatically lock axes which are not being driven
slerpRotation boolean true If true SLERP rotation mode. If false, will use SWING mode.

Component physx-joint-constraint

Adds a constraint to a physx-joint. Supported joints are D6, Revolute and Prismatic. Can only be used on an entity with the physx-joint component.

D6 joint constraint

You can set multiple constraints per joint. Note that in order to specify attributes of individual axes, you will need to use multiple constraints. For instance:

<a-box color="#F00"
       position="0 1.75 0"
    physx-joint="type: D6"
    physx-joint-constraint__xz="constrainedAxes: x,z; linearLimit: -1 0.2"
    physx-joint-constraint__y="constrainedAxes: y; linearLimit: -1 0; stiffness: 20"
    physx-joint-constraint__rotation="lockedAxes: twist,swing"

In the above example, the box will be able to move from -1 to 0.2 in both the x and z direction. It will be able to move from -1 to 0 in the y direction (relative to parent position), but this will be a soft constraint, subject to spring forces if the box goes past in the y direction. All rotation will be locked. (Note that since no target is specified, it will use the scene default target, effectively jointed to joint's initial position in the world)

Revolute joint constraint

Example of a door with an angular limit between -110 and 80 degrees:

<a-box id="hinge-target" position="-0.25 1 0.0" color="#777" physx-body="type: static"
<a-box depth="0.025"
       position="0.0052 1 0.1125"
       physx-force-pushable="force: 1">
  <a-entity physx-joint="type: Revolute; target: #hinge-target; collideWithTarget: true"
            physx-joint-constraint="angularLimit: -110 80; damping: 20; stiffness: 100"
            rotation="0 0 90"
            position="-0.1125 0 0">

Prismatic joint constraint

Slider example with position between -0.2 and 0.8 from the initial position:

  position="-0.5 1 0"
  physx-body="type: static">
<a-sphere color="#F00"
  position="0 1 0"
    physx-joint="type: Prismatic; target:#slider-target; collideWithTarget: true"
    physx-joint-constraint="linearLimit: -0.2 0.8; damping: 20; stiffness: 100">

physx-joint-constraint Schema

Property Type Default Description
lockedAxes array [] [D6] Which axes are explicitly locked by this constraint and can't be moved at all. Should be some combination of x, y, z, twist, swing
constrainedAxes array [] [D6] Which axes are constrained by this constraint. These axes can be moved within the set limits. Should be some combination of x, y, z, twist, swing
freeAxes array [] [D6] Which axes are explicitly freed by this constraint. These axes will not obey any limits set here. Should be some combination of x, y, z, twist, swing
linearLimit vec2 [D6, Prismatic] Limit on linear movement. Only affects x, y, and z axes. First vector component is the minimum allowed position
angularLimit vec2 [Revolute] Limit on angular movement in degrees. First vector component is the minimum allowed angle, second is the maximum
limitCone vec2 [D6] Two angles in degrees specifying a cone in which the joint is allowed to swing, like a pendulum.
twistLimit vec2 [D6] Minimum and maximum angles in degrees that the joint is allowed to twist
damping number 0 [All] Spring damping for soft constraints
restitution number 0 [All] Spring restitution for soft constraints
stiffness number 0 [All] If greater than 0, will make this joint a soft constraint, and use a spring force model

Component physx-joint

Creates a PhysX joint between an ancestor rigid body and a target rigid body.

The physx-joint is designed to be used either on or within an entity with the physx-body component. For instance:

<a-entity physx-body="type: dynamic">
  <a-entity physx-joint="target: #other-body" position="1 0 0"></a-entity>

The position and rotation of the physx-joint will be used to create the corresponding PhysX joint object. Multiple joints can be created on a body, and multiple joints can target a body.

Stapler Example

Here's a simplified version of the stapler from the physics playground demo

<a-entity id="stapler">
  <a-entity id="stapler-top" physx-body="type: dynamic" class="grab-root">
    <a-entity class="clickable" propogate-grab="" gltf-part-plus="src: #asset-stapler; part: Top"></a-entity>
    <a-entity physx-joint="target: #stapler-bottom; type: Revolute; collideWithTarget: true" position="0 0.0254418 -3.7280"></a-entity>
  <a-entity id="stapler-bottom" gltf-part-plus="src: #asset-stapler; part: Bottom" physx-body="type: dynamic"></a-entity>

Notice the joint is created between the top part of the stapler (which contains the joint) and the bottom part of the stapler at the position of the physx-joint component's entity. This will be the pivot point for the stapler's rotation.

Stapler with joint highlighted

physx-joint Schema

Property Type Default Description
type string Spherical Rigid body joint type to use. See the NVIDIA PhysX joint documentation for details on each type
target selector Target object. If specified, must be an entity having the physx-body component. If no target is specified, a scene default target will be used, essentially joining the joint to its initial position in the world.
breakForce vec2 { x: -1, y: -1 } Force needed to break the constraint. First component is the linear force, second component is angular force in degrees. Set both components are >= 0
removeElOnBreak boolean false If true, removes the entity containing this component when the joint is broken.
collideWithTarget boolean false If false, collision will be disabled between the rigid body containing the joint and the target rigid body.
softFixed boolean false When used with a D6 type, sets up a "soft" fixed joint. E.g., for grabbing things
projectionTolerance vec2 { x: -1, y: -1 } Kinematic projection, which forces joint back into alignment when the solver fails. First component is the linear tolerance in meters, second component is angular tolerance in degrees. Set both components are >= 0

Collision Events

If emitCollisionEvents is set of a physx-body then contactbegin and contactend events are emitted on that entity when it collides with other bodies.

Note the important restriction that SDK state changes are not permitted from an event callback (full details here). This means that you should never add / remove / modify bodies, materials, joints, etc. directly from a collision event callback.

If you need to make such changes in response to a collision event, you can use setTimeout() with a zero timer to delay the update until the physics processing for this tick has completed.

These events include a detail object with the following properties:

Property Description
thisShape A PxShape for the shape within this body involved in the collision. This can be used to look up the physx-body that owns the shape using this.shapeMap on the physx component on the scene. For a compound shape, there is currently no way to map this back to a specific object3D that corresponds to the shape in question.
otherShape A PxShape for the shape within the other body involved in the collision. See row above for what can be done with this.
points The set of contact points, a PxVec3Vector. Read length from points.size(), then access using points.get(index) for each index < size, which returns a JS object with properties x, y & z (like a THREE.Vector3, but not actually one).

This will be null on a contactend event.
impulses The set of impulses at these contact points, a VectorPxReal. Read length from impulses.size(), then access using impulses.get(index) for each index < size, which returns a number.

This will be null on a contactend event.
otherComponent The physx-body component for the other object in the collision.


The following statistics are available from PhysX. Each of these is refreshed every 100 ticks (i.e. every 100 frames).

Statistic Meaning
Static The number of static bodies being handled by the physics engine.
Dynamic The number of dynamic bodies being handled by the physics engine.
Kinematic The number of kinematic bodies being handled by the physics engine.
After The number of milliseconds per tick after invoking the physics engine. Typically this is the time taken to synchronize the physics engine state into the scene, e.g. movements of dynamic bodies.
Median = median value in the last 100 ticks
90th % = 90th percentile value in the last 100 ticks
99th % = maximum recorded value over the last 100 ticks.
Note that unlike the physics implementations in aframe-physics-system, PhysX has no significant per-frame processing before invoking the physics engine, so the "after" statistic accounts for all the work done outside the PhysX WASM code.
Engine The number of milliseconds per tick actually running the physics engine.
Reported as Median / 90th / 99th percentiles, as above.
Total The total number of milliseconds of physics processing per tick: Engine + After. Reported as Median / 90th / 99th percentiles, as above.


This repository is based on an original implementation of A-Frame physics using PhysX by Zach Capalbo

Simplification into a standalone codebase by Lee Stemkoski