- Added ZWave_B210.grc to the repository because I was having trouble getting ZWave.grc to work with Ettus B210s.
- preamble_impl.cc has been modified to allow up to 200 symbol length preambles. Previously it only had enough space for 80, which, for some reason, caused underflow events when transmitting on Ettus B210s. If you are using an Ettus B210, set your preamble_length variable to 200 (after pulling the latest version).
06-07-2016: We have added the ability to send and receive beams. Beams are used to wake-up battery powered devices.
- Receiving Beams: packet_sink_impl.cc now extracts beam frames. They show up in your Wireshark captures too!
- Sending Beams: preamble_impl.cc is modified to send an arbitrary number of continuous beam frames to wake up a target. This is specified by utlizing the 8 byte header appended to a Z-Wave frame sent to the gnuradio Z-Wave transmitter. Byte 0 is still used to identify the frame as a Z-Wave encapsulation frame. Byte 1 indicates the number of beam frames sent before the encapsulated frame is sent. Byte 2 is used to specify the target NodeID to wake-up. The remaining bytes are still 0x00.
- Regarding the number of beam frames, we use 250 for long continuous beams and 75 for short continuous beams.
- Wireshark note: If beams clutter up your captures, filter them out with !zwave_beam in filter textbox.
EZ-Wave: Tools for Evaluating and Exploiting Z-Wave Networks using Software-Defined Radios. The tools depend heavily on a modified form of the Scapy-Radio Z-Wave gnuRadio transciever (https://bitbucket.org/cybertools/scapy-radio/overview). A special thanks goes out to the Scapy-Radio guys for providing this useful tool to the public, which also sports modules for Bluetooth and ZigBee for those interested in such things.
- The transciever is harcoded for the US Z-Wave R2 band. To use in other regions, just modify zwave.grc as explained here: http://oldsmokingjoe.blogspot.sg/2016/04/z-wave-protocol-analysis-using-ez-wave.html. The howto article provides additional detail to setting up your own Z-Wave sniffer.
ezstumbler: passive Z-Wave network discovery and active network enumeration
ezrecon: Z-Wave device interrogation including:
- Manufacturer and device name
- Software/firmware versions
- Supported Z-Wave command classes
- Device configuration settings
ezfingerprint: determines device's Z-Wave module generation (3rd or 5th gen) using a PHY layer manipulation technique (preamble length manipulation).
**Tested on Ubuntu 14.04 only
Python 2.7
GNU Radio 3.7+ (recommend Pybombs: https://gnuradio.org/redmine/projects/pybombs/wiki/QuickStart)
Wireshark 1.12 to 2.0.1 (https://code.wireshark.org/review/wireshark)
Mercurial (sudo apt-get install mercurial -y)
**Default configuration is for 2 HackRF One SDRs. Other SDRs can be use by modifying the GRC files accordingly post install ($HOME/.scapy/radio).
OsmocomSDR (http://sdr.osmocom.org/trac/wiki/GrOsmoSDR)
HackRF host software (https://github.com/mossmann/hackrf/tree/master/host)
The setup script will clone Scapy-radio (https://bitbucket.org/cybertools/scapy-radio/) and modify installation files
cd $HOME/scapy-radio
./install.sh scapy
./install.sh blocks
Open [gnuradio prefix]/etc/gnuradio/conf.d/grc.conf in a text editor and append ":/usr/local/share/gnuradio/grc/blocks" to global_blocks_path
./install.sh grc
Copy all files in EZ-Wave/setup/wireshark to [wireshark]/epan/dissectors
cd [wireshark]
sudo make install
sudo ldconfig
ezstumbler.py [-h, --help] [-p, --passive] [-t, --timeout] [-a, --active] [--homeid]
-p, --passive Conduct a passive scan for a set time (secs)
-t, --timeout Timeout (secs) for scans, default=60
-a, --active Conduct an active scan for a set time (secs)
--homeid 4 byte HomeID to scan (ex: 0x1a2b3c4d)
30s passive followed by active scan:
ezstumbler.py --timeout=30
passive scan:
ezstumbler.py --passive
active scan:
ezstumbler.py --active --homeid=0x1a2b3d4e
ezrecon.py [-h, --help] [-c, --config] [-t, --timeout] homeid nodeid
homeid 4 byte HomeID of target network (ex: 0x1a2b3c4d)
nodeid Target device NodeID (in decimal, <233)
-c, --config Include scan of device configuration settings (takes a while)
-t, --timeout Stop scanning after a given time (secs, default=30)
ezrecon.py 0x1a2b3c4d 20
ezfingerprint.py homeid nodeid
homeid 4 byte HomeID of target network (ex: 0x1a2b3c4d)
nodeid Target device NodeID (in decimal, <233)
ezfingerprint.py 0x1a2b3c4d 20