This code reimplements the original Comparing Continous Optimizer platform,
now rewritten fully in ANSI C
with other languages calling the C
code. As the name suggests,
the code provides a platform to benchmark and compare continuous optimizers, AKA non-linear
solvers for numerical optimization. Languages currently available are
Contributions to link further languages (including a better
example in C++
) are more than welcome.
For more information,
- benchmarking guidlines introduction (link is coming soon)
- COCO experimental setup description
COCO multi-objective functions testbed documentation- consult the BBOB workshops series,
- consider to register here for news,
- see the previous COCO home page here and
- see the links below to learn more about the ideas behind CoCO.
- For a machine running experiments
- A
compiler, such as gcc - Python >=2.6 with
installed - optional:
- For a machine running the post-processing
- Python 2.6 or 2.7 with
(preferably >=1.7) andmatplotlib
installed. We recommend to install the Anaconda Python 2.7 library. Python 3 is not yet supported with the post-processing part of NumBBO/CoCO!
Under Windows, two alternative compile toolchains can be used:
- Cygwin which comes with gcc and make, available in 32- and 64-bit versions.
- MinGW's gcc (, which only comes in 32-bit, but also runs on 64-bit machines.
For using git
under Windows (optional), we recommend installing TortoiseGit.
Additional requirements for running an algorithm in a specific language.
- C: make, such as GNU make (GNU make for Windows).
- Java:
and any Java Development Kit (JDK), such thatjavac
are accessible (i.e. in the system path). - MATLAB: at least MATLAB 2008, for details, see here
- Python on Windows with MinGW: Python 2.7 and the Microsoft compiler package for Python 2.7
containing VC9, available here.
These are necessary to build the C extensions for the Python
module for Windows. The package contains 32-bit and 64-bit compilers and the Windows SDK headers. - Octave: Octave 4.0.0 or later. On operating systems other than Windows, earlier versions might work.
We tested the framework on Mac OSX, Ubuntu linux, Fedora linux, and Windows (XP, 7, 10) in various combinations of 32-bit and 64-bit compilers, python versions etc. Naturally, we cannot guarantee that the framework runs on any combination of operating system and software installed. In case you experience some incompatibilies, check out the Known Issues / Trouble Shooting Section below. Otherwise we will be happy if you can document them in detail on the issue tracker.
Check out the Requirements above.
Download the COCO framework code from github,
- either by clicking here and unzip the
file, - or (preferred) by typing
git clone
. This way allows to remain up-to-date easily (but needsgit
to be installed). After cloning,git pull
keeps the code up-to-date with the latest release.
CAVEAT: this code is still under heavy development. The record of official releases can be found here. The latest release corresponds to the master branch as linked above.
- In a system shell,
into thecoco
folder (framework root), where the
can be found. Type, i.e. execute, one of the following commands once
python run-c
python run-java
python run-matlab
python run-octave
python run-python
depending on which language shall be used to run the experiments. run-*
will build the
respective code and run the example experiment once. The build result and the example
experiment code can be found under code-experiments/build/<language>
for Octave). python
lists all available commands.
- On the computer where experiment data shall be post-processed, run
python install-postprocessing
to (user-locally) install the post-processing. From here on,
has done
its job and is only needed again for updating the builds to a new release.
- Copy the folder
and its content to another location. In Python it is sufficient to copy the
. Run the example experiment (it already is compiled, in case). As the details vary, see the respective read-me's and/or example experiment files:
read me and example experimentJava
read me and example experimentMatlab/Octave
read me and example experimentPython
read me and example experiment`
If the example experiment runs, connect your favorite algorithm
to Coco: replace the call to the random search optimizer in the
example experiment file by a call to your algorithm (see above).
Update the output result_folder
, the algorithm_name
and algorithm_info
of the observer options in the example experiment file.
Another entry point for your own experiments can be the code-experiments/examples
- Now you can run your favorite algorithm on the
(for multi-objective algorithms) or on thebbob
suite (for single-objective algorithms). Output is automatically generated in the specified dataresult_folder
6. Postprocess the data from the results folder by typing
The name bbob_pproc
will become cocopp
in future. Any subfolder in the
folder arguments will be searched for logged data. That is, experiments from
different batches can be in different folders collected under a single "root"
folder. We can also compare more than one algorithm by specifying
several data result folders generated by different algorithms.
A folder, ppdata
by default, will be generated, which contains all output from
the post-processing, including a ppdata.html
file, useful as main entry point to
explore the result with a browser. Data might be overwritten,
it is therefore useful to change the output folder name with the -o OUTPUT_FOLDERNAME
For the single-objective bbob
suite, a summary pdf can be produced via
LaTeX. The corresponding templates in ACM format can be found in the
folder. LaTeX templates for the
multi-objective bbob-biobj
suite will follow in a later release. A basic
html output is also available in the result folder of the postprocessing
(file templateBBOBarticle.html
- Once your algorithm runs well, increase the budget in your experiment script, if necessary implement randomized independent restarts, and follow the above steps successively until you are happy.
If you detect bugs or other issues, please let us know by opening an issue in our issue tracker at
file in the root folder is a tool to build the entire
is a neat and simplifying replacement for make. It has switches for just building some languages etc, typepython
to see a list of all available commandes.
the code-experiments/build folder is to a large extend the output folder of the
./ build
command.- the
files in the build folder are the entry points to understand the usage of the code (as end-user). They are supposed to actually be executable (in case, after compilation, which should be taken care of by and/or make) and run typically random search on (some of) the provided benchmark suites.
- the
documentation and examples might not be too meaningful for the time being, even though code-experiments/documentation/ describes a (heavily) used design pattern (namely: inheritance) in a comparatively understandable way (though the implementation in C naturally looks somewhat different). In the future, documentation will be contained mainly in the docs/ subfolder with the source code extracted automatically into pdfs in this folder and to web pages under the domain.
the code-experiments/src folder is where most of the important/interesting things happen. Many files provide comparatively decent documentation at the moment which are translated via doxygen into a more readable web page at Generally:
- coco.h is the public interface, in particular as used in the example_experiment.c file
- coco_internal.h provides the type definition of coco_problem_t
- coco_suite.c is code that deals with an entire benchmark suite (i.e. a set of functions, eg. sweeping through them etc...)
- coco_generics.c is somewhat generic code, e.g. defining a function call via coco_evaluate_function etc
- coco_problem.c is the implementation of the coco_problem_t type/object (allocation etc).
- observer / logger files implement data logging (as wrappers around a coco problem inheriting thereby all properties of a coco problem)
- most other files implement more or less what they say, e.g. the actual benchmark functions, transformations, benchmark suites, etc.
- currently, three benchmark suites and corresponding logging facilities are
- bbob: standard single-objective BBOB benchmark suite with 24 noiseless, scalable test functions
- bbob-biobj: a bi-objective benchmark suite, combining 10 selected functions from the bbob suite, resulting in 55 noiseless functions
- toy: a simple, probably easier-to-understand example for reading and testing
code-experiments/tools are a few meta-tools, mainly the to merge all the C code into one file
code-experiments/test contains unit- and integration-tests, mainly for internal use
code-postprocessing/bbob_pproc contains the postprocessing code, written in python, with which algorithm data sets can be read in and the performance of the algorithms can be displayed in terms of data profiles, ERT vs. dimension plots, or simple tables.
code-postprocessing/latex-templates contains LaTeX templates for displaying algorithm performances in publisher-conform PDFs for the GECCO and CEC conferences (for the single-objective bbob suite only, templates for the bi-objective bbob-biobj suite will be provided in a later release).
docs should contain an updated version of the documentation, see above.
howtos contains a few text files with internal howtos.
If you see something like this when running python run-java
or build-java
under Linux
COPY code-experiments/src/coco.h -> code-experiments/build/java/coco.h
WRITE code-experiments/build/java/REVISION
WRITE code-experiments/build/java/VERSION
RUN javac in code-experiments/build/java
RUN javah CocoJNI in code-experiments/build/java
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 590, in <module>
File "", line 563, in main
elif cmd == 'build-java': build_java()
File "", line 437, in build_java
env = os.environ, universal_newlines = True)
File "/..../code-experiments/tools/", line 34, in check_output
raise error
subprocess.CalledProcessError: Command '['locate', 'jni.h']' returned non-zero exit status 1
it means javah
is either not installed (see above) or cannot be found in the system
path, see this
and possibly this for a solution.
If you see something like this when running python build-matlab
AML ['code-experiments/src/coco_generics.c', 'code-experiments/src/coco_random.c', 'code-experiments/src/coco_suite.c', 'code-experiments/src/coco_suites.c', 'code-experiments/src/coco_observer.c', 'code-experiments/src/coco_runtime_c.c'] -> code-experiments/build/matlab/coco.c
COPY code-experiments/src/coco.h -> code-experiments/build/matlab/coco.h
COPY code-experiments/src/best_values_hyp.txt -> code-experiments/build/matlab/best_values_hyp.txt
WRITE code-experiments/build/matlab/REVISION
WRITE code-experiments/build/matlab/VERSION
RUN matlab -nodisplay -nosplash -r setup, exit in code-experiments/build/matlab
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 447, in <module>
File "", line 429, in main
elif cmd == 'build-matlab': build_matlab()
File "", line 278, in build_matlab
run('code-experiments/build/matlab', ['matlab', '-nodisplay', '-nosplash', '-r', 'setup, exit'])
File "/Users/auger/workviasvn/newcoco/numbbo/code-experiments/tools/", line 68, in run
File "//anaconda/lib/python2.7/", line 566, in check_output
process = Popen(stdout=PIPE, *popenargs, **kwargs)
File "//anaconda/lib/python2.7/", line 710, in __init__
errread, errwrite)
File "//anaconda/lib/python2.7/", line 1335, in _execute_child
raise child_exception
OSError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory
It might be because your system does not know the matlab
command. To fix this,
you should edit the file /etc/paths
and add the path to the matlab
bin file
(Linux/Mac) or add the path to the folder where the matlab.exe
lies to your
Windows path. For instance, the etc/paths
should look like something like this
With the more complex SMS-EMOA example. The problem is related to the compilation
of the external C++ hypervolume calculation in hv.cpp
A fix for this issue consists in adding to the files hv.cpp
and paretofront.c
#define char16_t UINT16_T
just before the line:
#include "mex.h"
If it happens that you get some Access is denied
errors during
python build-matlab
or python run-matlab
like this one
C:\Users\dimo\Desktop\numbbo-brockho>python run-matlab
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 649, in <module>
File "", line 630, in main
elif cmd == 'run-matlab': run_matlab()
File "", line 312, in run_matlab
os.remove( filename )
WindowsError: [Error 5] Access is denied: 'code-experiments/build/matlab\\cocoEv
a reason can be that a previously opened Matlab window still has some
file handles open. Simply close all Matlab windows (and all running Matlab
processes if there is any) before to run the
command again.
none for the moment
If you see something like this
$ python run-python # or build-python
PYTHON install --user in code-experiments/build/python
ERROR: return value=1
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 8, in <module>
import setuptools
ImportError: No module named setuptools
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 562, in <module>
File "", line 539, in main
elif cmd == 'build-python': build_python()
File "", line 203, in build_python
python('code-experiments/build/python', ['', 'install', '--user'])
File "/vol2/twagner/numbbo/code-experiments/tools/", line 92, in p ython
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/", line 575, in check_output
raise CalledProcessError(retcode, cmd, output=output)
subprocess.CalledProcessError: Command '['/usr/local/bin/python', '', 'i nstall', '--user']' returned non-zero exit status 1
then setuptools
needs to be installed:
pip install setuptools
or easy_install setuptools
should do the job.
If you see something like this:
$ python run-python # or build-python
cython/interface.c -o build/temp.linux-i686-2.6/cython/interface.o
cython/interface.c:4:20: error: Python.h: file not found
cython/interface.c:6:6: error: #error Python headers needed to compile C extensions, please install development version of Python.
error: command 'gcc' failed with exit status 1
Under Linux
sudo apt-get install python-dev
should do the trick.
We have observed a case where the update of the cocoex
Python module seemed to have no
effect. In this case it has been successful to remove all previously installed versions,
see here for a few more details.
The C code features an object oriented implementation, where the
is the most central data structure / object.coco.h
are probably the best pointers to start to investigate the code (but see also here).coco_problem_t
defines a benchmark function instance (in a given dimension), and is called viacoco_evaluate_function
. -
Building, running, and testing of the code is done by merging/amalgamation of all C-code into a single C file,
, andcoco.h
. (by
, see above). Like this it becomes very simple to include/use the code in different projects. -
Cython is used to compile the C to Python interface in
. The Python module installation
uses the compiledinterface.c
, ifinterface.pyx
has not changed. For this reason, Cython is not a requirement for the end-user. -
We continuously test the code through the open source automation server Jenkins on one ubuntu 12.04 machine, one OSX 10.9 machine, and one 32-bit Windows 7 machine with cygwin.
- The BBOB workshop series, which uses the NumBBO/Coco framework extensively, can be tracked at here
- Stay informed about the BBOB workshop series and releases of the NumBBO/Coco software by registering at
- Please refer to for more details on the experimental set-up for black-box optimization benchmarking.
- More detailed documentation of the existing benchmark suites can be found here:
- for the
problem suite at with the experimental setup at - for the
problem suite at
- for the
- Online documentation of the NumBBO/Coco API (i.e. for the ANSI C code) is available at
- Downloading this repository
- via the above "Download ZIP" button or
- by typing
git clone
or - via in your browser