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Java XMPP chat bot, with plugin architecture for implementing commands.


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XMPP chat bot, with plugin architecture for implementing commands.


Minions runs as a bot in XMPP MUC chat rooms, and responds to commands. Commands are implemented as plugins, and may be loaded at runtime by copying the JAR file in the plugins directory.

Project structure

Folder Contents
minions-api The interface to be implemented by Minion plugins.
minions-core The Minions chat bot.
minions-contrib Example Minion plugins.

Running Minions

First build Minions, from the project root run:

mvn clean install

Then create a YAML file with your configuration:

    name: The user name for the account Minions should log in as.
    resource: The resource for login, minions-core by default.
    password: The password for the account.
    server: Optional server if not the same as domain part of the username.
    port: Optional port if not the default 5222.
    - jid: The JID of the room to join.
       nick: Nickname to use in the room, minions by default.
       password: Password for the room if required.
    - ...
    - barejid Bare JID of an admin user.
    - ...
    refreshSeconds: Polling interval to check for new plugins, defaults to 10 seconds.
    prefix: The command prefix, defaults to !
    dir: The directory in which plugins are located, defaults to ~/.local/share/minions/plugins

An example can be found here

Run the Jar file passing your configuration file as an argument:

java -jar minions-core/target/minions-core-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar minions.yml

Creating a plugin

Declare the Minions API as a dependency:


Using the echo-minion as an example, extend the Minion class:

package com.boothj5.minions.echo;

import com.boothj5.minions.Minion;
import com.boothj5.minions.MinionsException;
import com.boothj5.minions.MinionsRoom;

public class EchoMinion extends Minion {
  public String getHelp() {
    return "[message] - Echo something.";

  public void onMessage(MinionsRoom muc, String from, String message) throws MinionsException {
    String trimmed = message.trim();
    if ("".equals(trimmed)) {
      muc.sendMessage(from + " didn't say anything for me to echo");
    } else {
      muc.sendMessage(from + " said: " + trimmed);

The plugin needs to be packaged as a fat jar (with dependencies) and must include two Manifest attributes:

MinionClass - Implementation of the Minion interface. MinionCommand - The command name.

Example from echo-minion:


Build the plugin:

mvn clean package

Copy the fat jar to the plugins directory, e.g. for the echo-minion:

cp target/echo-minion-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar ~/.local/share/minions/plugins/.

The plugin will be available on the next refresh.

#Using Minions When the Minions bot is present in the chat room, use the following to list available commands, (assuming the default prefix '!'):


Example output:

22:17 - boothj5: !help
22:17 - minions:
        !help - Show this help.
        !status [url] - Get the http status code for a URL.
        !digest - Calculate various digests of a given value. Send 'help' for more information.
        !calc [expression] - Calculate result of evaluating expression.
        !apples give|take - Give or take an apple from the minion.
        !bin to|from [value] - Convert integer to binary, or binary to integer.
        !chatter [message] - Send a message to chatterbot.
        !echo [message] - Echo something.
        !props - Show OS system properties.

To list Jars that are currently loaded:


To execute a command, enter the command with the prefix, and any args required e.g.:

18:49 - boothj5: !status
18:49 - minions: Status 200 - OK


Java XMPP chat bot, with plugin architecture for implementing commands.







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