This is an attempt to implement objects in elisp using closure. Unfortunately closures ain't objects.
- This is immature code thus its API can change
- This is immature code thus it might have some major design flaws
- This is immature code thus it might be unstable
- Method names clash between classes. I.e., different classes cannot have a same method name.
- I don't know how to make it work with edebug.
- Leo ain't no CLOS, it's more similar to C-with-Classes then CLOS.
- Leo supports polymorphism, methods are dispatched via run-time v-table look-up.
- Leo supports single inheritance but objects can adhere to unlimited number of interfaces.
- Leo use closures to implement objects so lexical-binding is required.
- Compiled code using leo is fairly time-efficient but not very space-efficient.
- Leo use instance-based protection (vs type-based protection)
(define-leo-class A ()
;; default protection is :public
a b
c d
e f g
h i
;; methods are all accessible
(def-method f1 (x y)
(- a x y))
(def-method f2 (x y)
(+ b c x (f1@ (+ x y) (- y x)))))
(define-leo-class B (A)
j k l
;; override A::f2
(def-method f2 (x y)
(- c x y)))
(define-leo-class C (B)
(def-method* f1 (x y)
(+ (A::f1@ x y) e f g j k l)))
(setq b (B :create "an instance of B" (k 11) (c 7) (f 0)))
(setq c (C :create "an instance of C" (b 11) (a 0)))
(f1 b 1 2)
(f2 c 3 55)
(f1 c (B b i) 4)
(setf (C c f) 100)
(f2 c (f1 b 11 0) 77)
(define-leo-interface I1 ()
(f1 (a b))
(f2 (c d)))
(define-leo-binding I1-to-A (I1 . A))
(setq proxy-for-c (I1-to-A c))
(setq proxy-for-b (I1-to-A b))
(I1:f1 proxy-for-c)
(I1:f2 proxy-for-b)
- class-definition := (define-leo-class class-name ([super-class]) specs...)
- specs := slots-specs | methods-specs
- slot-specs := [:protected|:visible|:public] slot-name...
- method-specs := method-definition...
- method-definition := (def-method[*] method-name (lambda-args) [doc|method-options] lambda-body)
- method-options := :override inherited-method-name
- object-instantiation := (class-name :create instance-name-string slot-init...)
- slot-init := (slot-name init-value-form)
- self: inside a method, this variable is the instance itself. Do not set it.
- ident: inside a method, this variable is the name of the instance specified at creation time. Do *not set it.
- external access:
(class-name instance-form slot-name)
- exernal modification:
(setf (class-name instance-form slot-name) new-value)
- internal access:
- internal modification:
(setq slot-name new-value)
To invoke a method, call the method name as a function with the
instance as the first argument. Inside a method, the form
shall be used (without the instance as the first
argument.) This internal calling form is exactly the same as
(method-name self arg...)
, but it's faster because there's no need
for runtime type checking nor virtual table look-up.
- external invokation: (method-name instance-form args...)
- internal invokation: (method-name**@** args) same effect as (method-name self args...)
Method can call the overridden implementation that it overrode using
the def-method*
(define-leo-class A1 ()
(def-method f1 (x) (+ (/ a x) 17))
(def-method f2 (m n) (+ (f1@ m) n)))
(define-leo-class A2 (A1)
(def-method f3 () (+ 11 a)))
(define-leo-class A3 (A2)
(def-method* f1 (x) (* (A1::f1@ x) 2)))
Methods can be overridden by subclasses. When overriding an method, the new implementation can have an alternatie name so it won't be overridden by subclasses. Thus, that specific implementation of a method has two names: the official one which can be overridden by subclasses and the alternative name which is... static and always available.
(define-leo-class A1 ()
(def-method f1 (x) (+ (/ a x) 17))
(def-method f2 (m n) (+ (f1@ m) n)))
(define-leo-class A2 (A1)
(def-method f1_with_10_offset (x) :override f1 (+ (/ a x) 10))
(def-method f2a (m n)
(f1_with_10_offset@ n) ;; static, predictable results
(def-method f2b (m n)
(f1@ n) ;; can be overridden, unpredictable results
(define-leo-class A3 (A2)
(def-method f1 (_x)
0 ;; override A2::f1 but not A2::f1_with_10_offset
;; new class person with no super-class
(define-leo-class person ()
;; all slots defined after this are externally-accessible but not externally-settable.
first-name ;; a data slot
last-name ;; a data slot
;; all slots defined after this are externally-accessible and externally-settable.
;; this is the default protection level for slots
;; all slots defined after this can only be read/written from methods BY THE INSTANCE.
social-insurance-no ;; protected data slot
;; method full-name, methods are always accessible
(def-method full-name ()
(concat first-name " " last-name))
(def-method say (&optional something)
(message "%s says%s%s"
;; call method using internal name faster than: (full-name self)
(if something ": " " ")
(or something "nothing")))
(def-method slack ()
(message "%s surfs the web" first-name)))
;; create a new person object with it's first-name initialized to "John"
(setq john (person :create "john" (first-name "John")))
;; create a new person object
(setq john-smith (person :create "johnsmith" (first-name "John") (last-name "Smith")))
;; slot access
(message "this is %s" (person john first-name))
;; call method
(message "this is %s" (full-name john-smith))
;; set public slot
(setf (person john-smith driver-license-no) "D730-3431-11Z7-M14")
(define-leo-class employee (person) ;; new class employee inheriting class person
id ;; new public slot
(def-method slack ()
(message "employees never slack"))
(def-method say (&optional something)
(message "employee %d (%s) says%s%s"
(if something ": " " ")
(or something "nothing"))))