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GRIT: GBA Raster Image Transmogrifier


Grit and Wingrit are a pair of converters from PC-based bitmaps to GBA/NDS readable graphic formats. The functionality is (roughly) the same as the exporter found in my bitmap editor Usenti, but these stand-alone versions can handle more file types by using the graphics library libplum.

(Win)grit converts bitmaps into palettes, graphic data (tile or bitmap formats), tilemaps and metamaps. The output is in C arrays, asm arrays, binary files or a GBFS archive (tepples' GameBoy File system, see (Win)grit supports the three main BIOS compression formats (LZ77, huffman, RLE), as well as graphics bitpacking to allow graphic data of 1,2,4,8 and 16 bpp. The data arrays can be in byte, halfword or word formats and a header file can be created with the declarations of these. The tilemapping option includes unique tile reduction, different map layouts and even metamapping with variable width and heights. This can also be used for 1D sprite-sheet conversions.

The original author of Grit is Jasper Vijn (Cearn).

Contact email: cearn at coranac dot com


Grit is the command-line version, the usage and option list is given below. For the basic CLI functionality I am indebted to gauauu (, who basically handed me a set of CLI functions, which proved a lot easier to use than what I had initially planned on using. Several others (in particular, Dave Murphy, have also been helpful in making this a multi-platform tool.

Basic Grit usage

NOTE: this is just a simple readme. For details, see the htm files.

The basic format for using grit is:

grit srcfiles [opts]

That is, grit, source bitmap(s) followed by any combination of options. Example for conversion of foo.bmp into a set of 16x16p 4bpp sprites, using only the first 16 palette entries, to 16bit C arrays:

grit foo.bmp -Mw 2 -Mh 2 -gB4 -pe 16 -U16 -ftc

Grit is relatively lenient in terms of what you enter. For one, it searches out correct options, so that incorrect or options are simply ignored, as are later version of option types in the case of multiple instances. Most options consist of a base and a value; the space between the two is optional. For example, the bitdepth option in the example (-gB4) would also have been excepted as -gB 4. There is also a complex system of defaults to simplify the input. These are given in brackets in the list below. but for easy reference, here's a list:

  • Palette: full source palette, u16 C array

  • Graphics: full image, original bpp (kinda). Paletted images default to tiles, true-color will be 16bpp bitmaps. u32 C arrays

  • Map: no map. But if you have any map options (-m*), it will default to a flat regular tilemap, reduced for tiles and flips. u16 C array

  • Misc: no compression, create header, symbol name derived from destination filename, which is derived from the source filename.

--- Graphics options (base: "-g") ---
-g | -g!       Include  or exclude gfx data [inc]
-gu(8|16|32)   Gfx data type: u8, u16, u32 [u32]
-gz[!lhr0]     Gfx compression: off, lz77, huff, RLE, off+header [off]
-gb | -gt      Gfx format, bitmap or tile [tile]
-gB{fmt}       Gfx format / bit depth (1, 2, 4, 8, 16, a5i3, a3i5) [img bpp]
-gx            Enable texture operations
-gS            Shared graphics
-gT{n}         Transparent color; rrggbb hex or 16bit BGR hex [FF00FF]
                 -gT! forces alpha bit, only affects NDS
-al{n}         Area left [0]
-ar{n}         Area right (exclusive) [img width]
-aw{n}         Area width [img width]. Overrides -ar
-at{n}         Area top [0]
-ab{n}         Area bottom (exclusive) [img height]
-ah{n}         Area height [img height]. Overrides -ab

--- Map options (base: "-m") ---
-m | -m!       Include or exclude map data [exc]
-mu(8|16|32)   Map data type: u8, u16, u32 [u16]
-mz[!lhr0]     Map compression: off, lz77, huff, RLE, off+header [off]
-ma{n}         Map-entry offset n (non-zero entries) [0]
-mp{n}         Force mapsel palette to n
-mB{n}:{(iphv[n])+}     Custom mapsel bitformat
-mR{t,p,f}     Tile reduction: (t)iles, (p)al, (f)lipped
                 options can be combined [-mRtpf]
-mR[48a]       Common tile reduction combos: reg 4bpp (-mRtpf),
                 reg 8bpp (-mRtf), affine (-mRt), respectively
-mR!           No tile reduction (not advised)
-mL[fsa]       Map layout: reg flat, reg sbb, affine [reg flat]

--- Palette options (base: "-p") ---
-p | -p!       Include or exclude pal data [inc]
-pu(8|16|32)   Pal data-type: u8, u16 , u32 [u16]
-pz[!lhr0]     Pal compression: off, lz77, huff, RLE, off+header [off]
-ps{n}         Pal range start [0]
-pe{n}         Pal range end (exclusive) [pal size]
-pn{n}         Pal count [pal size]. Overrides -pe
-pS            shared palette
-pT{n}         Transparent palette index; swaps with index 0 [0]
--- Meta/Obj options (base: "-M") ---
-Mh{n}         Metatile height (in tiles!) [1]
-Mw{n}         Metatile width (in tiles!) [1]
-MRp           Metatile reduction (pal only) [none]

--- File / var options ---
-ft[!csbgrB]   File type (no output, C, GNU asm, bin, gbfs, grf, img/map/meta/pal) [.s]
-fr            Enable GRF-format for .c or .s
-fa            File append
-fh | -fh!     Create header or not [create header]
-ff{name}      Additional options read from flag file [dst-name.grit]
-fx{name}      External tileset file
-o{name}       Destination filename [based on source]
-s{name}       Symbol base name [based from dst]
-D{path}       Destination folder for non-shared data
-O{name}       Destination file for shared data
-S{name}       Symbol base name for shared data

--- Misc ---
-tc            Tiling in column-major order.
-tw            Base tile width [8].
-th            Base tile height [8].
-U(8|16|32)    All data type: u8, u16, u32
-W{n}          Warning/log level 1, 2 or 3 [1]
-Z[!lhr0]      All compression: off, lz77, huff, RLE, off+header [off]

If you explicitly mention a destination file during a multi-source run, be sure to add the -fa flag and DO NOT use the -s flag. In a shared-data run, the shared filename and symbol name can be controlled with

The external tilefile is experimental too. It seems to work well enough, but just to be sure, always start with an 8bpp bitmap that's already tiled (or non-existent), and use either bmp, gif or png. I'll try to add metatiling to it too at some point.

Examples for common conversions

Mode 0 map (=regular), 4bpp tiles, tile/pal/flip reduced, sbb format:

-gt -gB4 -mRtpf -mLs


-gB4 -mR4 -mLs

Mode 2 map (=affine), tile reduced, map in bytes:

-gt -gB8 -mRt -mLa -mu8

Mode 3 or 5 bitmap:

-gb -gB16

Mode 4 bitmap, forced to screen size:

-gb -gB8 -aw 240 -ah 160

Sprite, 4bpp, 16x16p (=2x2t):

-gt -gB4 -Mw2 -Mh2

Sprite, 4bpp using pal16-bank 4 (colors 0x40 - 0x4F):

-gt -gB4 -ps 0x40 -pn 16


-gt -gB4 -ps 0x40 -pe 0x50

Mode 0 metamap, 4x3 metatiles, full tileset reduction:

-gt -gB4 -mR4 -Mw 4 -Mh 3

NDS 16bpp bitmap, with cyan as transparent color:

-gb -gB16 -gT 00FFFF

Shared data: multi-bitmap to tilemaps + single tileset conversion. If you want to convert a number of bitmaps to a single tileset and multiple maps, use -gS. If you want to save the tileset, or want to use a pre-made tileset, use -fx.

The output of this example is a single file with the combined tileset as sharedTiles, its palette as sharedPal and the separate maps as a1Map, a2Map, a3Map.

GRIT    := grit.exe
BMPS    := a1.bmp a2.bmp a3.bmp
TILESET := tiles.bmp

tilemap.s : $(BMPS)
	$(GRIT) $^ -o $@ -fa -gS -Sshared -mR8