The code for website.
Most of the pages linked on the Bitraf website is actually wiki-pages. For instance Kontorplasser, Foreningen and Sponsorer. These you can edit using Mediawiki web interface once you have logged in.
However, the pages with dynamic content are stored here. For instance the frontpage (index.php), the gallery (galleri.php)
You can use the Github webinterface to make changes. This is recommended for simple cases, like fixing a typo or improving the text.
First, log into or sign up to Github.
When logged in you can click any file in this repository, and then hit the pencil icon on the file toolbar to edit. More documentation here.
To edit the frontpage, here is link to edit index.php
One you have made the change, add a description of what you did "Fixed typo", and hit Commit.
Log in to the server
Pull the changes into staging
cd /home/bitweb/web/staging
git pull
Check on staging that everything looks good:
# all good?
Pull the changes into live
cd /home/bitweb/web/live
git pull
Double-check the changes on live site:
The steps above assumes you made the changes directly in the main repository (
If you used your own clone, you can easily work with it by adding another git remote: git remote add jonnor MY-CLONE-URL
, and do git checkout jonnor/mybranch
. NB: Remember to always push your changes to main repo when you're happy with them!
The server is running on a Linode VPS with Debian Jessie.
The webserver used is NGinX, and you will find the most relevant config under /etc/nginx/sites-available-bitraf
There are two versions of this code base served. One for production (, and one for staging/testing ( The two repositories are at /home/bitweb/web/live
and /home/bitweb/web/staging
, respectively.
Ask odinho
, haavares
, jonnor
for SSH access if you need it.