MVox is a tool for generating structured finite element meshes from image data by converting image voxels to elements.
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MVox can be configured and installed using the CMake build system.
MVox depends on the MFEM and ITK libraries which must be installed first.
For instructions on how to install MFEM see
For use with MVox it is sufficient to configure MFEM
with the default options.
However, to use on-the-fly gzip compression of mesh and grid function files,
the zlib library option is required (-DMFEM_USE_ZLIB=YES
For example, configure and make MFEM 4.5 in the
build directory relative to the
source directory:
tar -zxf v4.5.2.tar.gz
mkdir mfem-build
cd mfem-build
cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/opt/mfem/mfem-4.5 -DMFEM_USE_ZLIB=YES ../mfem-4.5.2
make -j4
make install
For instructions on how to install ITK see
For example, to install ITK on Debian or Ubuntu:
sudo apt-get install libinsighttoolkit4-dev
Configure and make MVox in the
build directory relative to the
source directory:
cd ..
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DMFEM_DIR=/opt/mfem/mfem-4.5 ../mvox
make install
variable is optional
and can be used to specify the location
of the MFEM library.
MVox is a CLI program.
For instructions on how to use MVox type mvox --help
To create a mesh and symmetric tensors grid function:
mvox -imask brain_mask.nrrd -iattr label.nrrd -itensor dti.nrrd -omesh mesh.mesh -sym -otensor
To view a tensor components using GLVis:
glvis -m mesh.mesh -g -gc 0
Example scripts and input data files can be found in the examples directory.
MVox is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the BSD 3-Clause License. See file LICENSE for details.
If you use MVox for your research, please consider adding the following citation:
- Zwick, B.F. (2020) MVox Mesh Voxelizer. Available at:
author = {Benjamin F. Zwick},
title = {{MVox} {M}esh {V}oxelizer},
howpublished = {\url{}},
year = 2020