A tiny cross-platform terminal color library that supports enabling and disabling colors.
Uses colors from https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/console/console-virtual-terminal-sequences?redirectedfrom=MSDN#text-formatting
Tested on macOS and (occasionally) on Ubuntu 20 and Windows 10.
color, err := gocolor.Prepare(true)
if err != nil {
color.Add(color.FgRed, "FgRed"),
color.Add(color.FgCyanBright+color.Negative, "FgCyanBright+Negative"),
See tests for inspiration.
I use mattn/go-isatty to test my programs before enabling this.
- https://github.com/TwiN/go-color (API inspiration)
- https://github.com/bbkane/go-color (my - now deprecated - fork of TwiN/go-color)
- https://github.com/fatih/color (color naming)
- https://github.com/jedib0t/go-pretty (Windows code)